1 Review
Deployed by 1 company

A reservoir management revolution

Page last modified
April 11 2024

POSEIDON™ is the innovative reservoir management solution establishing new standards of workflow turnaround time and uncertainties management using predictive data methods.

Data consistency scanning and quality Control, stochastic multi-phase production allocation with production logging control, advanced three-phase remaining oil mapping engine with log-derived wells fractional flow and fluid contacts position tracking merged with predictive data analytics and machine learning forecasts are the fundamentals of innovative reservoir management workflow.

Pros & Limitations
Fast-track delivery – 5 times quicker than simulation workflows
Automated history match – matching production history on the fly of each run, fully suitable for mature fields with long history & many wells fields
Decisions under uncertainty – multi scenarios and subsurface realisations approach for statistics-driven quantifications
Asset management decisions at reduced costs – regular updates are even quicker
Successful merge between physical models, predictive analytics and AI – 85-95% accuracy of numerical simulation
Innovative workflow requires entry learning and implementation in line with assets business processes
Specification Title Specification Description
>85% accuracy when validated against common commercial simulator on a real field data.
Areas of Application
Brown/Mature fields with edge aquifer/bottom drive water and/or gas cap expansion. Extra advantages for fields with large number of wells, flow units, reservoir compartments and variety of subsurface uncertainties.
Dramatic optimisation of resources (manpower, time and costs) required to deliver field management decisions. Data-driven workflow to improve delivery and assess uncertainties.
Implementation time
Several weeks.
Production data, well data, reservoir/fluid properties and static property maps.
Validated data set, multi-phase vertical production allocation, remaining oil maps, opportunities identification and quantification, future development plan & forecasts, risks and uncertainties management.
DataScan validation - few minutes for full field data set. Allocation processing <15 min per well (most advanced 3-phase engine, long production history & multiple commingled reservoirs). Runtime reservoir remaining oil mapping: 5-30 min.

Reviews (1)

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Technology Readiness Level

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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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LEAP Energy offers a full range of integrated E&P consulting solutions, from exploration, appraisal, and field development planning, through to reservoir management and production optimisation. Joint R&D with industry leaders and academia provides innovative custom-made and commercial software products.

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