3D/4D Reservoir Petrophysical Modelling

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Faster, cheaper and more accurate than current industry methods

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Innovative Reservoir Petrophysical Modelling is faster, cheaper and more accurate than current industry methods using averages, stochastic and conceptual models. The process is calibrated to existing well(s) and blind tested against new or existing wells to validate the model. No other process does this. Hydrocarbon In-place  and ultimate production volumes can be determined enabling flushed and virgin hydrocarbon zones to be identified

Pros & Limitations
Innovative Reservoir Petrophysical Modelling is faster (2-4 weeks not 6 months), cheaper and more accurate (less uncertainty) than current industry methods
The reservoir Petrophysical properties are calculated and constrained/referenced to the 3D seismic trace/impedance | This removes cognitive/conceptual biasing
Science, physics and mathematical relationships are used rather than conceptual/statistical models based upon averages | This increases accuracy
Blind test predictions with new or existing well(s) | This validates the model
The additional 4D Seismic imbibition methodology is used to determine producible volumes and identify areas of flush and virgin hydrocarbons in producing fields
Property prediction is limited by the Seismic survey area
Specification Title Specification Description
10-20% property uncertainty.
Areas of Application
Any subsurface hydrocarbon field where Seismic and Petrophysical well data exists.
Faster, cheaper and more accurate 3D modelling than current industry methods.
Available for any industry software modelling package and petrophysical package.
Reduced Capex, increased NPV, revenue years in advance.
Process can determine in-place and ultimate production volumes thus enabling virgin and flushed zones to be identified.
3D Seismic survey or Inversion data and well log data is required.
3D Petrophysical Property Modelling.
2-4 weeks to process rather than 2-3 months or more.
Blind testing against existing or new well data. No other process does this.


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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IRPM (Innovative Reservoir Petrophysical Modelling) was founded in August 2015 by Wesley Emery a Petrophysical Consultant with 29 years of international experience in the Oil and Gas industry. IRPM offers 3 dimensional Petrophysical modelling. In addition services are available for clastic and carbonate Petrophysical evaluations, uncertainty and up scaling determinations, saturation height modelling, permeability modelling and evaluations of in place and producible volumes, by passed pay and flushed zones for brown fields.

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