CIAS (Corrosion Inhibited Anti-Scale)

0 Reviews
Deployed by 3 companies

In-line De-scaling Program in Live Hydrocarbon Systems Onshore & Offshore

Page last modified
April 11 2024

The Challenge:

Production Losses due to Calcium Carbonate Scale and Associated Shutdown/TAR De-Scaling Remediation Costs.

Calcium carbonates causes major problems in many technical systems, e.g. oil processes on production platforms. Scale often builds up in SSSVs in wells and master, wing and choke valves on Xmas trees. It also commonly occurs in flow lines, produced water systems, separators, flair drums, hydro-cyclones, coolers, heat exchangers, cooling water systems etc.

The Negative Effects of Scale

Scale negatively affects process performance by reducing flow, increasing pressure drop, impairing heat transfer or, in the worst case, causing blockades, corrosion or leaks. Oil production is thus considerably reduced and, eventually a shutdown/TAR becomes unavoidable.

The Solution:

IKM Ocean Team proprietary CIAS Technology (Corrosion Inhibited Anti-Scale) - De-Scaling of Live Systems

With over 20 years track record in Denmark, IKM Ocean Team has extensive knowledge and experience with de-scaling of live process and cooling systems. This unique cleaning process does not require a production shutdown/TAR. This is a huge advantage compared to conventional chemical cleaning methods, which require shutdown/TAR during cleaning.

Pros & Limitations
Potential for no shut down associated production loss
Improved asset integrity
Significantly reduced internal corrosion
Reduced maintenance and repair costs
Improved system efficiency and reliability
Clean-In-Place Technology
Small Offshore Footprint package 10 ft container for chemicals
Requires pressurized air & 63 amp power connection
Specification Title Specification Description
Optimizes O&G production instantly by removing scale from live production systems | Proven track record from many years of non stop operations on various offshore installations.
Certification/ Licenses
Equipment complies with ATEX zone II | DNV approved and periodically inspected.
EC Directive 2006/42/EC, Machinery Directive | EC Directive 2004/108/EC, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) | EC Directive 97/23/EC, Pressurized Equipment Directive | EC Directive 94/9/EC, ATEX Directive.
Full documentation package to cover every component.
Equipment undergoes maintenance periodically resulting in high reliability and safety.


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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IKM Ocean Team has through more than 25 years specialized in condition monitoring and cleaning of technical fluid carrying systems. For years, we have developed customized purification methods, especially intended for use in hydraulic, lube oil and process systems in the energy sector, heavy industries, and maritime industries.

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