Aqua Milling - Specifically designed to remove blockages within hard to reach complex oil and gas process pipework systems & pipelines.

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Deployed by 8 companies

Flow remediation specialists. Aqua Milling can remove all manner of blockages from oil and gas processing systems from soft wax, corrosion, hard scales and even solid concrete.

Page last modified
April 11 2024

A remotely operated hose delivered cleaning technology designed to remove blockages, scale build up, wax formation, corrosion and even concrete from the internals of various onshore and offshore processing systems over an extended reach. Ideally suited for the cleaning of risers, produced water caissons, pipelines etc., prior to UT inspection.

Pros & Limitations
Safer due to operators being remote
Fully enclosed system, leading to no spilled waste
Higher consistency of clean
Greater reach (600m)
Ability to navigate more directional changes
Negotiate T-pieces
More efficient
Less downtime required
Small POB required (Typically 3)
Requires a runway space at least 10m for the system to be deployed
Specification Title Specification Description
ATEX certified
Equipment complies with ATEX zone II.
Backed up by track record since 2001.
Certifications / licences
DNV, Norsok and ISO accredited. Water jetting association members.
Cloud platform
Cloud systems linked via SharePoint.
ISO 9001 and 14001.
CRM systems in place which complies with GDPR regulations.
IP protection
Technology has IP/patent coverage.
Specialist maintenance personnel and fully documented maintenance records.
Safe operating
Remotely operated systems, all personnel hold necessary medicals and offshore certs.


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Pipetech is an independent process system cleaning specialist with bases in Aberdeen, Stavanger and Norwich serving major oil operators and service companies primarily in the UK and Scandinavia. Formed in 2001 Pipetech was acquired in 2014 and forms part of the Ramco Tubulars Group with Aberdeen being the Headquarters.

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