Mascoat - Thermal Insulation Coating

1 Review
Deployed by 7 companies

Eliminating CUI, while saving energy and protecting personnel

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Mascoat Industrial-DTI is designed to be a multi-purpose coating, providing insulation, Personnel Protection and solving corrosion under insulation (CUI) issues. This industrial thermal insulation coating product fulfills niche market areas of temperatures under 190°C on all types of substrates. 

Pros & Limitations
Cost-efficient: Saving total installation time when compared to conventional insulation methods
Easy to install: No cutting, tapping or special hangers; No special fabrications needed
Versatility: Adheres to virtually any material and eliminates the potential for surface corrosion or corrosion under insulation
Non-Combustible: The coating is a non-combustible, non-flammable, thermal insulation Class 1 (A) fire rated product
Safe: Water-based, one-part coating and has no "pot life"; Contains no harmful chlorides
Easy Touch-Ups: Can be easily "touched up" after minor structural repairs
Enhanced Insulation: Successive coats will increase insulating capabilities
Not suitable for cryogenic applications
Specification Title Specification Description
Airless Sprayer
Application conditions
Areas of Application
Tank Roofs, Heat Exchangers, Piping, Valves, Columns etc.
Fire rating
Class A
Flame Spread
Class A
> 15 Years
Operating conditions
190˚C maximum
Smoke developed
Class A
Thermal conductivity
0.0698 W/m/K

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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Mascoat provides coatings that insulate and protect industrial, commercial, marine, and automotive substrates around the world. Mascoat does not produce a “one-size-fits-all” coating, but instead engineers and manufactures a product line that fulfills market-specific needs.

Our products are tested to the highest standards and are proven to conserve energy, protect personnel, prevent corrosion, and save time and money.

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