VertiDrive Blasting Robots

2 Reviews
Deployed by 7 companies

The robotic solution for paint stripping and high pressure cleaning

Page last modified
April 11 2024

VertiDrive is the world's leading manufacturer of Magnetic Robot Crawlers for washing, grit-blasting, sand-blasting, hydro blasting, UHP paint stripping, etc. The technology delivers significant cost reduction compared to manual blasting for maintenance contractors and asset owners.

We have reinvented the way of heavy-duty work on steel surfaces in impossible places. 

Our robots are designed to effectively remove dirt, paint, and coatings on various steel surfaces like storage tanks, ship hulls, and other large steel structures.

Besides closed hydroblasting solutions, some of our models can be equipped with interchangeable applications, like high-pressure washing, hydroblasting, and abrasive blasting. This enables to change from one job to another in just a few minutes; change from dry blasting to hp washing without wasting any time.

Our solutions are therefore used by many companies for high-pressure activities such as surface preparation, industrial cleaning, subsea cleaning, and hold cleaning

Pros & Limitations
Increased production rate over traditional (manual) blasting up to 40m² - 70m² an hour
Ergonomic operation, reduced operator fatigue, robots can run without any problem up to 23 hours a day
Consistent, high quality surface profile
Eliminates requirement for working at height (no scaffolding, cherry pickers, lift, etc.)
Waterblasting, no abrasives, no dust, no abrasives recycling
No collection / recycling of abrasives required
Polluted water is collected and ready for filtering / recycling
Only for use of steel surfaces
Specification Title Specification Description
Areas of Application
Designed for use on vertical and overhead steel surfaces.
ATEX certified
Upon request our M3 and M4 robots can be delivered with certification for ATEX Zone II.
Blasting media
Water, garnet, glass, non-ferrous slag, dry ice, etc.
Climbing vertical and overhead surfaces; ultra high pressure water jetting; high pressure washing; abrasive blasting.
Low cost and easy maintenance, full support from manufacturer and/or distributor.
Modular design
Possibility to convert our M3 robot into an M4 robot with conversion kit | Compact and lightweight modules for transfer through manhole
Consistent, high quality surface preparation to Sa 3 / WJ-1.
Return on Investment
Up to: 8 times faster than manual work | 92% cost reduction | 8 times more efficient
Handheld (wireless) remote control for electric controlled robot, or compact and ergonomic control box for pneumatic (ATEX) robot.
Working at height
Up to 30 meter.

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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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VertiDrive, established in 2008, is an innovative company that designs safe, environmentally friendly and cost-effective robotic solutions.

Our mission is to deliver excellent engineering solutions and exceed our clients’ expectations through the application of sound engineering principles. We strive for client satisfaction by designing user-friendly and low-maintenance machines and by ensuring fast on-site support.

We develop and produce robotic solutions that re-invent the way of work at impossible places. Starting from attraction, we look at safety, accessibility and efficiency from every perspective, in 360 degrees. Ready for the challenges of tomorrow.

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