LFH-1000 Integrated Fluid Transfer Package

0 Reviews
Deployed by 6 companies

High-volume transfer pump system for various types of fluids

Page last modified
April 17 2024

Zone rated electric transfer pump capable of pumping up to 11,500 BBL/ Day at under 500psi operating pressure. The pump can handle up to 10mm solids. It has double jointed gear drive coupling, unique non-clogging self-alignment spring, an enclosed dynamically balanced impeller, dry running protection and maintenance free bearings. The Fluid Transfer Pump is designed to manage high temperatures and the expansion and contraction of the dynamic system.

Pros & Limitations
Proven design in a new package
High flow rate of 11,500 BBL/Day
Designed, manufactured, built and tested inhouse
Several decades of experience behind the design
Fully ATEX Certified for use in hazardous area
Approved DNV lifting frame for safe transportation
Frame can be slightly over engineered for onshore operations
Requires an electrical supply to operate
Specification Title Specification Description
Business Efficiency
Higher flow rates than currently available.
Designed to be self contained within frame with safety doors as required.
Areas of Application
Well testing | Fluid transfer | Pumping decommissioning
ATEX Certified
Fully ATEX certified.
Control of process flow.
Capable of handling 10MM solid particles.


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Technology Readiness Level

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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Since the acquisition of Pegson Pumps in 2010 LFH have been the go-to partner for our specialised in-house design capabilities and manufacture of marine engine cooling pumps, we offer full in-house pump production, spares, and refurbishment services.

Our pumps are used for various applications including, large marine propulsion engines, locomotive, power generation and nuclear industries located across the world.

We also offer our own specialised NORSOK compliant fluid transfer pumping packages with an electric driven motor, ready to rent for applications where reliable fluid transfer is required.

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