InVerse Sustainable Decoating

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Deployed by 1 company

The safest way for paint stripping and cleaning

Page last modified
April 11 2024

InVerse uses the most sustainable coating methods and is continuously developing new and better ways to remove the old coating from large structures. Removing paint can be done far more sustainably than how it is done now.

At the same time, we look around us to see what we can contribute to the environment of our daily lives.

InVerse uses sustainable state-of-the-art methods that decrease the amount of waste by 60 to 95% compared to traditional, generally applied methods. 

Pros & Limitations
Safer compared to traditional methods
Environmentally friendly and sustainable
Waste reducing and aiming to reach circularity
Cost efficient
Great CO2 performance
Less resource consumption
The technology is ahead of the requirements described by our clients
Specification Title Specification Description
Certification/ Licenses
InVerse aims to acquire the B Corp certificate of social and environmental performance before 2025.
Traditional decoating methods produce pollution in the form of harmful particulates.
By minimizing transport and waste disposal costs, the cost of this sustainable decoating is no more than traditional decoating.
We work together with our clients to reach the best sustainable solution for them.
Laser and Induction technology


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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InVerse is here for long-term change. For ourselves, as a succesful company. For the environment and nature that future generations can enjoy after us. For our surroundings, as a promising place for everybody. For our suppliers, partners and clients, as organizations that we can undergo long-term collaborations with while building on our future. And even for our competitors, who we want to share our knowledge with, so they too can take steps towards sustainability.

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