Bathy Survey Optimization Tool

0 Reviews
Deployed by 2 companies

Save up to 75% on survey costs

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Our tool structures and aligns key data sources and calculates risks based on applicable codes and recommended practices, to optimise survey planning. Proven savings in survey costs of 75% have been achieved.  Our algorithms automate the process from data input to risk assessment, inspection interval determination, and report generation in a fully traceable and transparent way. This allows for faster and cheaper assessments with consistent high quality. Moreover, our online GIS platform supports effective internal and external communication.

Pros & Limitations
Significant cost savings
High quality and fast
Automated process
Risk based instead of time based
Easy updates with new data
Approved by Dutch regulator
Report generator
User friendly
Improves communication to stakeholders
Data needs to be available
Specification Title Specification Description
Areas of Application
Offshore pipelines | Surveying | Risk Assessments | Pipeline integrity
Certifications / licences
Our tool can be used on license basis | We are part of IRM Systems which is ISO 9001 certified
In line with DNV international pipeline Codes & Standards and best practices.
Engineering rating/qualification
Savings up to 75%.
Experienced pipeline integrity specialists.
Detailed description and visualisation of Risks, Pipeline status and integrity impact factors.
Return on Investment
Within the first year.
Much higher speed due to algorithms.
Client feedback is that our tool is very user friendly and looks better than other GIS platforms.


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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IRM Systems develops software tools for predictive maintenance of ageing pipelines – increasing safety and reliability and reducing costs. We have a unique market position combining in-depth knowledge of ageing pipelines, pipeline risk assessment and engineering with expertise of data science and statistics. We are fully technology independent and part of IRM Systems, specialised in pipeline risk management. Our solutions include data collection and structuring, integrity data analysis and risk forecasting with our algorithms, dynamically visualised in a smart GIS.

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