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Solar facade for energy efficient buildings

Page last modified
April 11 2024

ZigZagSolar is an energy harvesting Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) system unlimited in every aspect of design & engineering. Zigzagsolar is the next generation energy-harvesting architectural facade with all the pros of both a PV-system and an architectural facade. Harvest energy in a future-proof and aesthetically pleasing design maintaining maximum freedom of design for architects. By a combination of pv-panels facing the sun and tilted decorative panels the electric yield will be increased and the solar panels will be invisibly integrated into the building.

Pros & Limitations
Unlimited creative architectural design options
Outstanding support
Proven success
Innovative architectural facades
Reducing fossil energy consumption
Optimized orientation
Always start by installing solar applications on your roof
ZigZagSolar is a complete facade system therefore it should only be specified as a facade system. If there is no need for a facade, then ZigZagSolar is more expensive than a roof top system or a solar park
accurate guaranteed yield for any building on any location, for new built or refurbishment, for commercial or residential
harvests solar energy, blocks heat, blocks unwanted radiation, looks good, unrestricted view through windows
Specification Title Specification Description
Areas of Application
New and refurbishment, commercial and residential buildings
Maximum freedom of choice in the application of decorative facade panels such as Aluminium Composite Panels, Cosentino, Wood, Trespa, Rockpanel and transparent panels such as Perspex or Glass.
Implementation of an aluminium profile at the front-edge of the pv-panels to offer protection by inaccuracies during maintenance, inspection of cleaning.
Special slim high performance solar panels, tailored to the application for highest yield
Modular design
ZigZagSolar is build up from single full-operational casettes | ZigZagSolar casettes will be fixed onto an aluminium mounting-systems such as BWM or ALLFACE.
Operating conditions
In any location, climate, weather the best performance, longest life-time-expectancy, robust, high yield, affordable, reliable
126% of actual yield in kWh per m2 PV panel.


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Technology Readiness Level

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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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ZigZagSolar offers affordable High Tech architectural solar facades with good return for energy efficient buildings. ZigZagSolar is holder of patents, world-wide unique simulation tools, monitoring data, industrial expertise. All to offer you access to the very best solar facades. Together we can build a green, clean and safe future.

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