Eco-Friendly Corrosion Protection for Offshore Wind turbine foundations
The ICCP-POD combines two advanced technologies. The EnergyPod, developed by Amphibious Energy, is an easy-to-transport autonomous energy plant that uses sun, wind, batteries and intelligent electronics to provide sustainable energy during the 18-month construction of wind turbines, meaning that costly and environmentally unfriendly diesel generators are no longer required.
To protect against corrosion during this construction phase, CORROSION developed compact ICCP (Impressed Current Cathodic Protection) units. By using an electronic current supplied by the ICCP-Pod, these represent an innovative eco-friendly alternative to sacrificial anodes, which discharge large quantities of metals and heavy metals into the water. When the wind turbines are installed and grid-connected, the energy supply for the ICCP system is switched from the ICCP-Pod to the wind turbine itself.
Specification Title | Specification Description |
Areas of Application
Offshore Wind Farms
Rated system size (kW)
Wind Turbine
Nautilus Offshore Wind Turbine (NOWT): 3 - 5kW PMG
9 x 550Wp PV panels
Unit capacity kWh (Battery storage)
Peak load capabilities (for short internvals)
Power Yield (net values) continuous load output
Impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) is a corrosion protection system that consists of Mixed Metal Oxide (MMO) coated titanium anodes connected to an external power source (The ICCP-POD).
Footprint and weight
7m2, ±6tons
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