Waste heat powered Forward Osmosis for water re-use and desalination

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Supporting hydrogen production and enhanced oil recovery (EOR) through desalination using waste heat

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Waterwhelm has developed a patented Forward Osmosis (FO) technology for water reuse and desalination, validated through our pilot plant at a Veolia Wastewater Treatment Works, in Seafield, Edinburgh. The technology operates at low pressures (2-4 bar) and is powered by waste heat, therefore, in comparison with reverse osmosis (RO), our FO technology uses 80% less electricity and 35% less CAPEX, realising a significant reduction in CO2 emissions. The product water can be used as potable or industrial water supply. Waterwhelm will implement this technology across many wastewater treatment and desalination sites, and other sectors such as hydrogen production, power plants, chemical plants, refineries and offshore desalination. This, to utilise waste heat in the context of zero-waste, circular economy and contribute to achieving net-zero emissions globally.

Pros & Limitations
Low carbon footprint
Much more efficient than RO in terms of CAPEX and OPEX
Reduced membrane fouling, and chemical cleaning costs
Currently TRL6, TRL 8 (late 2023)
New innovation product
Unplugs industrial sites from local water / electrical networks
Used for desalination to support hydrogen production, desalination or water re-use at industrial sites
Specification Title Specification Description
Operating Pressure
2-4 bar
Required waste heat temperature
100 degC
Seawater salinity
1000 - 35,000 ppm TDS


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Waterwhelm has developed a patented Forward Osmosis (FO) technology for water reuse and desalination, validated through our pilot plant at a Veolia Wastewater Treatment Works, in Seafield, Edinburgh. The technology operates at low pressures (2-4 bar) and is powered by waste heat, therefore, in comparison with reverse osmosis (RO), our FO technology uses 80% less electricity and 35% less CAPEX, realising a significant reduction in CO2 emissions. The product water can be used as potable or industrial water supply. The technology can be used for both onshore and offshore water re-use / desalination. Waterwhelm will implement this technology across many wastewater treatment and desalination sites, and other sectors such as hydrogen production, power plants, chemical plants and refineries, to utilise waste heat in the context of zero-waste, circular economy and contribute to achieving net-zero emissions globally.

Relative Business Impact