System of Integrated Production

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Boost Oil and Gas Production and Optimize Efficiencies With AI Casing Valve

Page last modified
April 16 2024

Pumped wells are known for eventual steep decline curves. This is associated with gas breakthrough and a high gas-to-oil ratio.
Operators try common mitigation tools such as gas separators, gas turbines and gas shrouds, with VSD and other smart pump controllers. Often, pumped wells are controlled by a PID system. But these tactics only partially work. Gas interference and gas lock will still cause pumps to pump-off for multiple hours a day.

This results in a major loss of oil and gas production, high field labor costs and the resulting wear on pumps that lead to constant and expensive pump replacements. The total event and replacement cost can total hundreds of thousands of dollars.

SIP’s integrated programs and algorithms are predictive, memory-based A.I. similar to that of self-driving cars.  They are housed in the cloud and send commands to a wellhead casing valve. The increased pressure pushes down the liquid column and initially raises both bottom hole flowing pressure (Pwf) and pump intake pressure (PIP).  Employing fluid property laws governing the flow of oil, water and gas, the program uses more than 30 data points in each well to determine the ideal pressure near to the bubble point to increase production and stability by keeping more free gas in solution. To minimize the oil’s viscosity and preferentially maximize its mobility, the A.I. continually predicts the data point trade-offs as each particular well faces its unique PVT and relative permeability behavior. These increases in oil mobility and pump efficiency are intended to increase oil production. The accompanying gas means more gas production, too.  Both Pwf and PIP, meanwhile, drop in a self-reinforcing cycle.  In raising the gas-oil ratio (GOR), the pressure also reduces—and often helps minimize—the interference that free gas causes in the pump. In this transitional state, gas surges coming up from downhole are inherently moderated, too.  Meanwhile, as water does not absorb gas, the water in the liquid solution does not become more mobile and requires more effort to access pore throat space.  This may result in less water being produced.

Pros & Limitations
We increase ROI and decrease OPEX through our increase in oil and gas production and increased pump efficiency
We eliminate gas emissions by turning off flares where flares are in use
We reduce production of waste water
Installation all at the wellhead and never go downhole and don't stop production of well
We provide real-time data and 24/7 well monitoring
We are affordable
Specification Title Specification Description
Pumped-only wells
Only works on wells with pumps. Any type of pump. Does not work on natural-flowing or gas lift wells.
No packers.
Does not work on wells with packers as SIP technology needs access to annular space.
Free gas present
Minimum 30MCF of gas/day
Liquid above pump
Minimum 300-500ft of liquid above pump, depending on pump type
Works on broad range of API's
Between 8 - 45 API
Works on all types of drilling
Vertical, horizontal and multi-directional
Conventional and Unconventional
Works on both conventional and unconventional wells


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Oleum Technology, LLC is an environmentally advanced oil field services provider that owns the global rights (exclusive of Ecuador and Venezuela) to a proprietary AI technology that greatly improves the production of crude in pumped wells known as System of Integrated Production (SIP). Oleum Technology is comprised of highly experienced oilfield production experts, software engineers, environmental safety engineers and business veterans, whose combined leadership and multidisciplinary skills position SIP to increase the production of crude in global markets, all while minimizing the environmental impact of production.

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