LUMENION thermal energy storage

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Thermal energy storage systems for 100% renewable energy supply

Page last modified
October 31 2024

With LUMENION’s innovative thermal energy storage system an immediate reduction of CO2 emissions becomes possible. LUMENION TES makes fluctuating renewable energies available for 24/7 use as process heat or for district heating, enabling reliable, cost-competitive, and zero-carbon heat supply. 

LUMENION TES can be charged in about four to six hours – for example, when electricity prices drop during off-peak periods. The storage core is then heated up to 650 degrees. Whenever energy is needed, the stored thermal energy is transferred to a heat exchanger. Depending on the energy demand, our TES is scalable in size between 2 MWh and 1000+ MWh.

The basic idea of our power-to-heat technology is to shift the energy behind generation peaks out of the power grid and into the heat network – thus serving as a safety valve for the power grid. This ensures system security, maximises the use of energy generation plants, can compensate for grid bottlenecks and enables the decarbonisation of heat-driven processes. Wherever high-temperature steam is needed for industrial processes, the LUMENION storage system can be used as a quick solution for a climate-neutral energy supply.

Pros & Limitations
Delivers CO2 free heat
Proven and reliable solution
Available off the shelf
Modular and customisable storage system
Simplicity of design
Limited temperature range between 120°C and 450°C
Specification Title Specification Description
Energy Storage
2 MWh - 1000+ MWh
120°C - 450°C
Low maintenance costs
Simple and efficient design
Low costs
LCOS typically between €2-6cts/kWh
High residual value of steel core (40+ year life)


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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LUMENION is a cleantech scale-up from Berlin and an active contributor to the energy transition. Our innovative thermal energy storage (TES) technology stores green electricity as high-temperature heat in steel modules. In this way, we make renewable energies available at any time of day or year and solve a central problem of decarbonisation: fluctuations and temporal interruptions of wind and solar power.

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