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A bolt tightening and integrity monitoring system for metal joints in wind turbine towers

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Inductight is a bolting integrity system that uses two complimentary engineering disciplines to ensure bolting integrity for joining metals together to form a rigid member for a structure. 

The system is digitally enhanced and has a base artificial intelligence (AI) software driving the machine learning aspect. The Inductight concept focuses on full automation of the bolt tightening process (with real-time human overriding capabilities at any point of the workflow) combining AI and machine learning (ML) software engineering techniques to deliver a system that addresses the key issue of bolt slackening. 

The benefits of this new concept are based on but not limited to, some of the following points: power generation optimization through an effective real-time proactive monitoring strategy where bolt integrity is monitored and maintained on a continual autonomous basis; minimizes the operational and maintenance costs incurred compared to conventional bolting services and support; the reliability of a predictive integrity management process, with major emphasis on its application to the RAM aspects of production and cost reductions for O&M; 

Pros & Limitations
Reduces the risk of bolt slackening and loss of joint integrity
Ensures consistent and sustainable clamping force within the bolt
Optimizes power generation through effective real-time proactive monitoring
Minimizes operational and maintenance costs associated with conventional bolting services and support
Provides the reliability of a predictive integrity management process
No emissions at any stage of Inductight process.
The technology is still under development and we are at TRL = 4


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Inductight is a start-up company based in the UK working on the development and commercialization of a bolt tightening and integrity monitoring system for metal joints in wind turbine towers.

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