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Zero-emission building concept

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Emporium is a low exergy and zero emission building concept with an integrated seasonal solar heat storage system without energy losses, supplying indoor heating and hot tap water, for residential and utility buildings, in all climate zones. Emporium is currently in the implementation phase, and a location or project is searched for, to learn to deliver with local partners, such as architects and engineers, construction and installation companies, and educational institutes and local authorities.

Emporium is a Key Innovation within the European Commission's Smart Cities Marketplace. Click here to learn more.

Pros & Limitations
The energy transition and climate action requires new built zero-emission constructions, in order to achieve the European Fit for 55 emission reduction target in 2030, and the Green Deal 95% emission reduction target in 2050.
Emporium is a solar heating system with the smallest exergy loss (low-exergy). Exergy (applicability or quality of energy) stands for the Emporium temperatures, which are as close as possible to the demand temperatures (20 °C indoor and 45 °C shower).
Emporium is characterized as a seasonal solar heat storage system without any energy loss. An adjustable ventilation cavity around the storage serves as a heat loss control, and as a leakage protection.
Emporium solar collector and seasonal storage investments are profitable, in cases that energy networks, such as district heating systems, become costly in areas with a low building density, and for buildings far away from the energy network.
Emporium's local solar heat production and storage on the building site avoids heat transport, requiring high exergy electricity finally supplied for a low exergy demand, and heat network losses, especially at a lower heat demand or distribution density.
Local solar heat production and storage on the building site avoids heat transport, requiring high exergy electricity finally supplied for a low exergy demand, and heat network losses,
Specification Title Specification Description
The heat storage water temperature is above the demand temperatures and below 100 °C, and 50 to 90 °C over the year, produced with a vacuum tube semi-transparent solar heat collector, integrated in the southern facade of the building.
Internal Heating Through Losses
The solar heat storage is integrated in the building to achieve that all heat storage losses (>50%) are used as indoor heating.
Storage Vessel
A storage vessel is a vertical water cylinder, in which temperature stratification arises, improving the system performance.
Repeated Learning Process
Innovation of constructions, having >30% transport costs, require a repeating learn to deliver process with local partners.


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Emporium is a solar energy, low exergy and zero emission building concept, with an integrated seasonal storage system, without energy losses, supplying indoor heating and hot tap water. Emporium is currently in the implementation phase, and a location or project is searched for, to learn to deliver with local partners, such as architects and engineers, construction and installation companies, and educational institutes and local authorities.

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