Cutting-edge Gas Turbine Combustion Retrofits
Innovative solutions for clean fuels and low emissions
Thomassen Energy helps gas turbine power plants achieve their business and profitability objectives while reducing their carbon footprint to meet decarbonization goals.
We specialize in retrofitting currently installed gas turbines with our cutting-edge technologies that enable them to burn versatile fuels, including hydrogen and refinery off-gas (ROG). When clean H2 is blended with natural gas, the gas turbine CO2 emissions cab be significantly reduced. When the fuel source is 100% H2, no CO2 will be generated by the gas turbine.
Thomassen Energy's FlameSheet™ combustion system is flexible, it features a unique flame stabilization mechanism that enhances combustion stability and enables greater fuel flexibility. This allows for efficient combustion clean/cleaner fuels (eg H2, ROG) without compromising combustion stability or emissions performance and help to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change.
The commercially proven FlameSheet™ combustor platform is operating in ca. 20 installations, at today, worldwide. It is available for the worldwide installed fleets of B-, E- and F-Class gas turbines. The FlameSheet™ combustor delivers unsurpassed fuel flexibility, operational flexibility, and emissions performance with optimized life cycle maintenance costs.
As an example of these installations, in July 2023, Thomassen Energy, PSM and Hanwha celebrated a world-first achievement by co-firing liquefied natural gas (LNG) and hydrogen, with a record rate of 60% hydrogen (by volume) and with single digit NOx emissions, in a 80MW heavy-duty frame gas turbine retrofitted with the FlameSheet™ combustor.
Thomassen Energy is leading a consortium to demonstrate the use of the FlameSheet™ technology for flexible operation from 0-100% hydrogen, with sub 9ppm NOx, without the use of diluents. The consortium includes such partners as powerplant operators, research institutes and universities.
Specification Title | Specification Description |
Decarbonize existing gas turbines
Cost-effective cutting-edge retrofits for existing gas turbine fleet
Grid balancing
Complement and balance intermittent renewable energy sources by providing reliable and dispatchable power with low emissions
Enhanced fuel flexibility
Ideally suited for natural gas and alternate fuels as hydrogen, with a 30% Modified Wobbe Index operational range
Retrofit available for
GE Fr5, 6B, 6F, 7E, 7F, 9E, 9F; Siemens/Mitsubishi 501F, 501G, 701F, 701G; Siemens 501B/D and Opra OP16
Superior Fuel Flexibility
30% Modified Wobbe Index
The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.