Composite recycling

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Extreme Eco Solutions turns decommissioned wind turbine blades into an alternative for traditional filler materials

Page last modified
April 11 2024

EES looks at decommissioned blades and other composite products as a source of raw material. We convert composites into an alternative for virgin fillers such as chalk, which are used in abundance in the composite and plastics industry. High-end shredding technology provides tailor made filler material for various production methods, consistent in quality and volume. No more incineration or landfill of blades, while decreasing the need for natural resources. This concept also provides the opportunity to use your own post industrial waste within your own production. 

Pros & Limitations
Decrease of landfilling and incineration of blades and other composite products.
Decrease the need for traditional materials such as chalk, talkon, quartz etc.
Decrease the volume of resin used within selected production methods.
A second life for composites and blades in particular is in support of renewable energy.
The recyclate is cost effective as it matches the costs of traditional fillers easily.
Logistics can be a challenge due to the involvement of multiple companies in regard to dismantling and logistics.
Specification Title Specification Description
Filler size
Each product or production method demands their own size and volume. EES provides from dust to chunks in every volume.
Filler origine
EES can help you with fillers that derive from the source of your preference. This helps to create a story line.
Alternative sources
Next to composites EES can also provide pure glass fibre in either flakes or powder to be integrated in your production.


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Founded in 2014 in Nijkerk the Netherlands, EES has been developing several concepts which revolve around re-use of composites, mainly glassfibre reinforced polyester. Inspired by the lack of solutions for this material, the time seemed right to start finding a way out for decommissioned turbine blades and other products. Today EES enables End of Life composites to be a full-fledged alternative for virgin fillers in both the composites and plastics industry. Replacing chalk, talcum, glass fibre and quartz with our recyclate will prevent incineration of EoL products and decrease the need for natural resources. EES feels our efforts are in support of renewable energy.

The three founders / owners of EES see it as a challenge and a necessaty to re-use blades and other other products to such an extend, that the incredible volumes of filler materials can be decreased dramatically. 

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