Calculate (Flange Management Software)

0 Reviews
Deployed by 8 companies

Industry Leading Flange Management - Bolt Load Assurance Software to ASME-PCC1 (2022) Appendix O

Page last modified
April 24 2024

Calculate provides a single source of truth, seamlessly linking industry best practice engineering directly to project workflow capability

Our secure cloud-based platform and integrated modular build supports the whole range of workflows. From carrying out individual bolted joint calculation to carrying out full flange management across mega greenfield projects. Calculate is consistent with the very latest industry standards in accordance with ASME PCC-1 and independently validated by Strathclyde University.

asset55 Calculate provides a single source of objective truth for bolt load calculations and flange management information.

Provides single source of objective truth for bolt load calculations and flange management information, which can be utilised by multiple operators and contractors, ensuring data integrity and can be fully audited.


Vast Capacity
The industry’s largest libraries of flanges, gaskets, fasteners, lubricants & tightening tools, plus modules for clamps, heat-exchangers & special flanges. This guarantees that all an asset’s mechanical joint requirements can be met, thus removing the necessity of costly external consultancy fees and inaccurate, unsafe bolt load calculations.


Instant Risk Assessment
Our unique joint integrity review gives the user the capability to carry out an instant impact assessment. The joint integrity review allows an assessment of any given bolt load across an almost infinite variety of flange assembly combinations. The easy to read risk indicators, safety warnings, and automated engineering advice gives the user the power to make quick, informed decisions to reduce schedule slippage, hydrocarbon leakage, and the hidden cost of component damage. The most effective way to reduce hydrocarbon release.


The value of Calculate

  • Increased productivity
  • Increased efficiency
  • Reduced schedule
  • Improved safety

To learn more or request a demo, visit: Calculate - asset55 Ltd (

Introduction Flyer - Calculate.pdf

Pros & Limitations
Assurance of industry guideline standards bolt load calcuations
Governance of ASME PCC-1 2022 on your joint integrity bolting scope of work
Instant Risk Assessment of bolt loads under Operating, Test & Assembly conditions
Increases Safety due to accurate bolt loads being applied to industry standards
Reduces risk to safety
Majorly reduces hydrocarbon leaks due to accurate bolt loads being applied
Reduces damage to components such as bolts, flanges, gaskets, tools and pipes
Increases productivity and reduces engineering hours
Latest industry standards on bolt loads are regularly updated to provide full compliance to customers
Joint Data management provides full traceability on assets and projects
Software can be used by Operators and Contractors on single or multiple assets
Proven technology that is used by over 60% of the worlds largest Oil & Gas Operators plus major service companies and more
The only independently verified and validated ASME PCC-1 flange management software in the industry
Trusted by BP globally as their long term flange management solution
Cloud Based solution - no downloads or changes to IT infrastructure required
Work-Packs, Joint Tightening Reports (JTR's) and associated documents can be produced and stored in the system
All engineering drawings and associated documents can be stored in the system
Currently do not support EN Flanges, but in pipeline to add within the next 12 months (Although work around is achievable)
Specification Title Specification Description
Flange Management Software
Industry Leading Flange Management Software to ASME PCC-1 standards
Bolt Load Assurance Software
Provides accurate bolt loads on ASME flanges, Heat Exchanges & Special Flanges to PCC-1 2022
Assurance & Governance of Bolt Loads
Software provides assurance of best in practice, industry standards bolt loads under Operation, Assembly & Test conditions with built in risk assessment feature
Joint Data Management
Full repository management of asset and project joint data
Flange Tags
Data for flange tags built in to system including QR coded flange tag feature
Library of Component Specifications
Calculate has the industry's largest selection of flange material, gaskets, fasteners, lubricants, bolts & OEM tools built into the system for selection


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Established in 2012, asset55 has grown organically to become a leading and trusted provider of SaaS technology to the wider energy market whilst maintaining clear objectives to support our customers on critical operations to ensure we go above and beyond expectations on delivery and execution of our services.

At our core, we are a software engineering technology company. We bring  together highly experienced industry engineers combined with leading software developers to drive real and positive change within the energy sector.

Aligned across two divisions, Operations & Projects, we enable change through a portfolio of execution specific software, which share two common traits – Improving safety and improving productivity to our clients.

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