Automated Well Control
Detect and react to an influx with reduced personnel exposure
Safe Influx Automated Well Control makes the well control process safer by enabling continuous monitoring of the well and managing influx flow automatically whilst drilling. Once it detects a kick, efficiently and flawlessly, the system performs a series of operations by taking control of the drilling equipment and shutting-in the well.
All of this is done with machine code instructions enabling simultaneous commands to be issued and executed. The well and equipment control algorithms enable swift detection and shut-in of an influx, substantially reducing the volume of the influx.
The system comprises a small unit and human-machine interface touch screen for the driller to configurate and operate. It is a tool to help the driller be more effective and accountable as he sets it up and, at any moment, can intervene to stop the automated sequence progressing. Rig personnel remain in charge.
Specification Title | Specification Description |
Business efficiency
We can drive higher efficiency, increasing the probability of delivering challenging wells.
Rig installation is very simple. Installation and commissioning time is around two days.
Required hardware
Minimal additional equipment required. Simple and short rig installation process.
Significant safety enhancements for the driller.
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