Elimination/reduction of the back reaming
Challenge Description
The over pull and back reaming are a pain area across many of the North fields, oil/Gas exploration & gas development wells. The high severity of back ream occurred while POOH drilling BHA across interbedded shaly sandstone formation (Natih, Shuiaba, Lekhwair, Jilh, Sudair, Khuff and Ghudan formation). This operation pain is impacting the rig performance and definitely cost and time. In additional, it might lead to hole stability issues such as hole fill, stuck event & hence inability to secure the hole section and run the casing to the BTM.
- •Multiple PPS output didn’t land to eliminate completely the overpull and back reaming across this formation.
- •ILT related to back ream are varies and, on some occasion, reached to few days. Recently in gas exploration, RIG 62 (Al Bashair-10) was 1.25 days and Raba-N-2 was 2.5 days.
- •Ongoing project through PPS approach is kicked off.
- Investigate and understanding the reason for the overpull and back reaming.
- Establish robust mitigations and countermeasures to prevent completely overpull and back reaming. Thus, reduce ILT.

Petroleum Development Oman
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