XXSim Reservoir Simulator

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3-phase flash EOS based with fully implicit formulation

Page last modified
April 11 2024

XXSim Reservoir Simulator is an Equation of State (EOS) based general purpose compositional reservoir simulator with fully implicit formulation. XXSim uses the most advanced thermal and non-thermal recovery models equipped with fully coupled EOS three phase flash and three-phase separator. The three-phase flash algorithm uses the three-phase (aqueous, oilic, vapour) equation of state to calculate the solubility of every component in each phase, or the number of moles of every component in each phase.

For example; Carbon dioxide can exist at the same time in oil phase, aqueous phase and gas phase. How to calculate the number of moles of CO2 in each phase? Literature reviews show that all commercial reservoir simulators use table of CO2 solubility in water, or Henry’s law.

This may work well for simple steam injection but could be unstable or produce wrong results in more advanced EOR processes,such as in-situ solvent+steam injection or CO2+steam injection. They use two-phase flash or pseudo three-phase flash and have to neglect solubility of water in oil phase and C20+ or C30+ in gas phase in high temperature, etc.

In contrast to others, XXSim uses the innovative three-phase flash algorithm. It can be simplified to simulate the conventional or traditional black oil, compositional and thermal modules. In addition, it can be expanded to fully EOS based thermal simulator.

Pros & Limitations
The medium heavy or light heavy oil steam flood can be simulated effectively by XXSim
The simulation of solvent + steam injection of heavy oil recovery can be simulated more accurately than other commercial available reservoir simulators
The simulation of CO2 + steam injection of heavy oil recovery can be simulated more accurately than other commercial available reservoir simulators
Currently the parallel version of XXSim is not available
Specification Title Specification Description
The medium heavy or light heavy oil steam flood can be described more accurately by XXSim than other K-Value based thermal models (traditional simulator).
Areas of Application
XXSim has thermal recovery module, conventional composition module, and black oil module.
Like other reservoir simulators, XXSim has its own input file format to input static properties, fluid properties and production dynamic data etc. Furthermore, it also provides the model converter that converts Eclipse model into XXSim model.
The output format meets oil & gas industry standard and can be easily loaded by the 3rd-Party post-processing software.
For thermal or compositional model, XXSim is faster than other traditional simulators.


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O&G Cloud Pte. Ltd. uses their technology and software to help companies recover more oil from reservoirs at the lowest cost. They provide the most advanced XXSim reservoir simulator, which is an EOS based general purpose compositional reservoir simulator with fully implicit formulation.

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