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Aerial Mobile Robotics

Page last modified
July 18 2024

Voliro T is a drone designed for contact-based interactions. Thanks to its tiltable rotor design it can apply constant force of up to 30 N to surfaces. It is equipped with several NDT sensor payloads for different kinds of inspection work:

  • UT thickness gauge for material thickness measurements
  • EMAT thickness gauge for material thickness measurements
  • DFT sensor for paint and coating thickness measurements
  • LPS testing payload for wind turbine lightning protection system test

With its superior stability and wide range of available sensor payloads, it’s the most advanced NDT drone available in the market. Compared to other available products it offers:

  • More stable flight control thanks to multi-sensor fusion
  • Higher pressure forces thanks to tiltable rotor systems
  • 360 degree mobility thanks to 6 degrees of freedom
  • Wider range of available sensor payloads
Pros & Limitations
Safer, cost effective and faster solution for NDT inspection and corrosion monitoring for critical infrastructure
Unique 360º design, Voliro-T is capable of exerting precise forces on surfaces at any given orientation
Assistive navigation and semi-autonomous solution leading to an easy to operate system
Subscription model enables Voliro to provide our customers with a comprehensive service
Safe and easy to fly
Streamlined inspection workflow, allowing the pilot and inspector to work together seamlessly
Training needed to operate the technology
The size of the system, which makes it unsuitable for very cluttered environments
Specification Title Specification Description
The Voliro T performs contact-based Non-Destructive Testing inspection of elevated structures.
The Voliro T can be equipped with an EMAT or UT sensor for material thickness measurements, as well as a DFT (Dry Film Thickness) sensor for paint and coating thickness measurement. It can also be used to test the functionality of lightning protection systems of wind turbines.
With EMAT there is a high amount of reliability and repeatability in thickness measurements. A working gap of 3mm between the probe and surface can be tolerated.
Advanced perception systems to stabilize itself in GPS-denied areas close to structures. A real-time video stream from an onboard FPV camera helps to create an intuitive flying experience and provides the pilot with the necessary awareness.
NDT inspection data is visualised live and stored for PDF report generation following the inspection mission.


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Voliro's mission is to revolutionize work at height. We have developed a flying robot that can perform stable contact-based work and close-to-structure operations. We protect and maintain critical infrastructure by delivering high quality, cost-effective and time-efficient robotic inspection and maintenance solutions.

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