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The next generation in solar thermal technology.

Page last modified
April 11 2024

VirtuHOT is the next generation in solar thermal technology. It’s a solar thermal collector that heats water from the power of the sun to up to 120°C. Solar thermal can decarbonise global heat demand across a number of sectors, from manufacturing to hotels and leisure centres. By using VirtuHOT customers can reduce their dependency on fossil fuels and future-proof hot water supply.

Virtu products are easy to install and fully modular, mounted on frames in sets of five evacuated tubes. Reflectors are positioned between tubes to maximise energy capture. We use the highest energy density solar collectors available globally, designed to optimise outputs and deliver maximum energy with limited installation space.

Pros & Limitations
3.5x carbon savings compared to solar PV
50% greater financial returns per m2 in comparison to conventional PV and solar thermal technology
Lower cost of carbon abatement versus competing renewable thermal technologies
Protects customers from volatile fossil fuel prices and exposure to ever increasing energy and climate change legislation
Certified by TUV Rhineland, Solar Keymark, ICC-SRCC, Global Mark
Reduced scope 1 and 2 emissions
No inter row shading
No roof penetration required
A visually stunning representation of a commitment to sustainable energy
Solar technology is seasonal. The system is sized based on the summer demand, unless a seasonal storage solution is implemented to supply heat year round.
Specification Title Specification Description
Areas of Application
Public buildings | New residential developments | Multi-dwelling residential | Food & beverage | Hospitality & leisure | Manufacturing
Peak thermal output
400 W
Stagnation temperature
260 C
Gross length
2165 mm
Gross width (single tube)
300 mm
Gross height
265 mm
Absorber area
0.324 m2
Aperture area
0.64 m2
Gross area
0.65 m2
Roof area occupied
0.75 m2 (incl. pipe manifold and service corridor)
Total wet weight (unballasted)
19.3 kg
Average roof loading (unballasted)
Up to 21.7 kg of ballast blocks can be added per tube. Choose additional ballast based on wind loading calculations


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Naked Energy is on a mission to change energy for good. It helps businesses generate more clean energy from less space through innovative solar technology. 

Its TUV-certified solar thermal tubular collector – VirtuHOT – converts the sun’s energy into heat while its revolutionary solar PVT product, VirtuPVT, generates both heat and electricity. They save three and a half times the amount of carbon as standard solar PV panels.

Reflectors between the tubes maximise energy capture and their efficiency means savings from cheap energy quickly cover installation costs. The flexible design also makes them easy to fit on industrial roofs. And crucially, businesses have a secure supply of energy when they need it.

Energy for heating and cooling makes up around half of global energy demand and 40% of carbon dioxide emissions (IEA 2019). Naked Energy believes solar thermal and solar PVT will play a key role in decarbonising heat in an increasingly urbanised world.


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