Type 2-s Cylinders for Gas Storage

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Deployed by 2 companies

A better way to storage energy

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Type 2-s Cylinders are for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) and Hydrogen Storage. Our patented, proprietary technology gives a strong, durable, and certified cylinder that is lighter than a Type I, stronger than a Type II, and more economical than a Type III or IV. Our cylinders are independently tested and have superseded the standards for safety.

Pros & Limitations
Lighter than a Type 1 or 2 cylinder
More economical compared to a Type 3 or 4 cylinder
Supersedes safety standards
Ability to store other noncorrosive gases
Use off the shelf materials
Slightly more expensive than Type 1 cylinders
Heavier than Type 3 or 4 cylinders
Specification Title Specification Description
All cylinders are built to not only meet ASME or ANSI/NGV-2 standards, but exceed it.
WireTough produces the only Type 2-s cylinders with our patented technology.
All cylinders supersede safety standards set-forth by International governing bodies.
Certifications / licenses
Certified for ASME Section 8 Div 3 and ANSI/NGV-2.
Our patented, proprietary technology gives a strong, durable, and certified cylinder that is lighter than a Type I, stronger than a Type II, and more economical that a Type III or IV.
ANSI/NGV-2 is available in 57L, 80L, 150L and 200L. ASME CNG Ground Storage availabe in 200L. Generation 2 Hydrogen Storage is available in a modular design.


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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WireTough Cylinders has designed, patented, and produce the only Type 2-S cylinder in the world for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and hydrogen storage.

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