Total Flow
Locates and quantifies flow within the entire well system.
Well systems need to connect the right fluids to the right places. But that doesn’t always happen. Knowing what’s gone wrong means looking both inside and beyond the wellbore to see the actual flow picture. Total Flow locates and quantifies wellbore flow and critically reservoir flow, revealing the relationship between the two.
Delivered by our True Flow system using the Chorus (acoustic) platform and the Cascade (thermal) platform; Total Flow provides the clarity and insight needed to manage well system performance more effectively. Total Flow is commonly used to diagnose unexpected or undesirable well system behaviour, but it can also be used proactively to ensure the well system is working properly.
Specification Title | Specification Description |
Programmes & Methods
Analysts customise diagnostic programmes, using an acoustic model of the well system housed in our digital workspace - Maxim, to create a method to active the well system to expose targeted fluid dynamics.
Tools and Measurements
Unique sensor design provides a high level of threshold sensitivity and dynamic range.
Processing and Modelling
Model Oriented processing of downhole data from multiple sensors allows you to determine the position and classify the signal source.
Analysis and Interpretation
Single immersive platform enables efficient workflow execution from planning to product generation.
Our products offer critical well diagnostics to address the full spectrum of well system flow and integrity challenges.
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The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.
Relative Business Impact
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