Syook Insite

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Deployed by 2 companies

We create Intelligent RTLS products to improve productivity, safety, and compliance

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Syook provides digital transformation for enterprise operations with intelligent IoT RTLS solutions. Syook builds and delivers world-class enterprise products and solutions for operation critical businesses to enhance their productivity, safety and compliance. With our partner-driven model, we ensure that all your location needs are met with a single platform providing you with data and insights related to you and your business. Our solution is modular, configurable, no-code, platform and hardware agnostic. Over the years we have gained proven customer success with Unilever, UPL, FIAT, ONGC, Indian Railways, Fortis, Danone, Delhivery and more.


Pros & Limitations
Modular: Our solution comes with independent and interchangeable features with easy integration
Configurable: Our solution can be easily modified and tailored to meet user needs and requirements.
Cloud Agnostic: Our complete solution has been developed in house, with zero dependencies of any 3rd party Syook InSite can be hosted on any Cloud Network, Private Data Centre or even On-Premise.
Technology Agnostic: From BLE based RTLS for low-cost deployments to LoRaWAN deployments for larger facilities and moving towards integrating GPS location for citywide or countrywide asset tracking, Syook InSite has all location needs covered.
Proven Customer Success: With expansion orders and the addition of user departments our customers regularly show their appreciation.
Quick deployment: The no-code platform makes it deployable at an unprecedented speed, hence making us grow exponentially across various markets and industries.
We require a minimum number of assets to be tracked so as to give the desired ROI
Specification Title Specification Description
People Management
With People Management, You can track the exact location of all employees in your facility in a single dashboard
Contractor Management
It's critical to manage and keep track of the many contract vendors and personnel that are supposed to operate in certain regions and be paid by specified contractors.
Contact Tracing
There is a need for solutions are monitor and track social distancing activities in real-time to ensure safety and security


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Syook is building the next generation enterprise IOT platform. Our flagship offering is a no-code, cloud agnostic completely configurable platform that helps enterprises enhance safety, productivity and compliance at the workplace. Our platform is built on a foundation of RTLS ( Real time Location Systems). We work with large enterprises like Unilever, Reckitt Benckiser and FIAT auto to optimise their operations. Our Vision: To be among the global leaders providing innovative, high-value digital technology solutions for operations excellence. Our Mission: To enhance the competitive advantage of organisations by partnering with them in their digital transformation journey, and to empower clients with avant-garde knowledge-based solutions for scalable, seamless workplace operations.

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