Silicon Wafer Casting Technology and Waste Heat Recovery

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Components for Solar and Thermoelectric Power Generation and Waste Heat Recovery

Page last modified
April 11 2024

The RGS  proprietary casting process creates silicon based functional materials characterized by their excellent properties like microstructure and homogeneity.

The “RGS” (Ribbon Growth on Substrate) technology is a unique “rapid casting” production process for advanced semi-conductor based alloys.

This RGS  process is based on fast direct solidification of wafers out of a melt with well controlled material composition. The process is conducted in a fully enclosed high temperature low pressure atmosphere.

RGS has selected the high temperature waste heat ranging from 700 - 1500 Celcius. The silicon based thermoelectric material produced by RGS has its optimal power output in this temperature range. 

In particular a selection was made for heat recovery in the ferrous, non-ferrous and glass industry. These industries are well known for high temperature processes with a high level of waste heat.

Thermagy can be applied as "a smart heat exchanger" to generate electricity out of the waste heat and influence the heat flow from processes or product. 

Pros & Limitations
Low maintenenance electricity generation (no moving parts)
High Yield thermoelectric electricity generation
Applicable in high temperature environment (eg 1000 Celsius radiation heatsource)
High reliability and infinite lifetime
Silent Power Generation
Scalable Technology enabling mass production
Suitable for a wide range of heat sources and fuels
Recovery of waste heat
High temperature heat sources required
Specification Title Specification Description
High speed production
"Rapid casting" production process for advanced semi-conductor based alloys, liked doped silicon
Fully automated and accurate process control
Very fast solidification enabling nano sized structuring of material
Material Composition
Homogeneous material composition and quality over total production run
High Quality
Due to the characteristics of the patented RGS production process, silicon alloy materials can be produced extremely cost efficient and with well controlled quality specifications
RGS Development uses its material know-how in combination with this unique and patented casting process to manufacture nano-structured silicon alloys that are engineered to different applications.


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We believe that heavy industries such as glass, steel and metal are important for our economy and that therefor these industries should operate in harmony with a sustainable world. We’re glad to contribute with our Thermagy heat panels that easily convert industries'​ 700C-1200C waste heat into electricity and hot water/steam whilst reducing CO2.

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