Sealant for DHSV Hydraulic Leak Repairs

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Deployed by 7 companies

Robust isolation for DHSV system leaks

Page last modified
October 31 2024

KCI recognised the need for a new approach to repairing leaks in Control Lines.

IG-FP was formulated to isolate leaks in Down Hole Safety Valve (DHSV) Control Line Compression fittings where the hydraulic fluid is leaking out of the system.

Leaking Control Lines can create issues by losing control fluid to the Well bore, the A-Annulus or building up hydraulic pressure in the Tubing Hanger Void.

The Well may have to be shut in and taken offline if hydraulic leaks are excessive or if the DHSV cannot be kept open.

By simply deploying IG-FP the leaks in the system will be stopped while maintaining full operational control of the DHSV. IG-FP remains soft and does not cure or change viscosity.

Pros & Limitations
IG-FP does not cure or turn solid over time or under pressure
IG-FP's operating pressure is up to 10,000psi
We can pinpoint the location of the leak by accurately measuring the volumes of sealant and operating fluid pumped versus the internal volume of the Control Line.
A fast, robust, cost-effective and long-lasting way to repair leaks from their DHSV hydraulic control systems
We can supply various viscosities depending on the leak rate, leak path and location
IG-FP can isolate leaks in standard Wireline Retrievable DHSV's as well as Swellable seal stacks
IG-FP has been used to hold open a hydraulic Master Valve Actuator on a production Well due to a piston seal leak
IG-FP is a slick, pre-cured, non-setting gel with micro sealing elements mixed throughout that is deployed from surface into the Control Line and acts like a mini pig
The very high viscosity version can block Double Block & Bleed needle valves if shuttled back & forth a lot due to the torturous flow path
Specification Title Specification Description
Chemical characteristics
IG-FP is a slick, pre-cured, non-setting gel with micro sealing elements mixed throughout
Temperature range
-50 to 175°C
Pressure rating
10,000 psi


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Recognising the relentless challenges facing operators to maintain full production and extend the life of mature assets, KCI offers a range of unique products and services specifically designed to reduce costs and minimise downtime, whilst maintaining or increasing production across: sub sea, surface, refinery, down hole, topside pipeline and other applications.

Within its chemical engineering range KCI leak sealing solutions and isolation gel have enabled operators to achieve substantial savings across a range of maintenance, integrity and production issues: quickly, safely and cost effectively, with a high level of sustained success and little or no disruption to production. KCI solutions / isolations can be temporary (short term) or permanent, depending on operational requirements.

KCI also offers a range of easy-to-apply silicone based coatings to protect new and ageing structures and equipment against moisture, corrosion or erosion in mild and hazardous environmental or climatic conditions: internal, external, surface or sub sea. KCI takes a holistic approach to resolving customer issues by providing an in depth investigation / assessment, detailed procedures and highly skilled engineering, all of which are designed to ensure optimum success of individual projects.  KCI is also known within the industry for being able to address difficult and often unique problems which do not, or are unlikely to, respond to traditional methods or technology and as a result KCI products have been acclaimed as an example of best practice in the industry.

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