Satelytics is a software company. We deliver geospatial analytics, using spectral analysis, our patented algorithms assisted by artificial intelligence, and cloud computing to keep you informed about your assets and provide solutions to your toughest business challenges. The early detection we deliver results in challenges being solved at early stages, therefore minimizing consequences such as:
Specification Title | Specification Description |
Early identification of pipeline leaks (gas, crude oil, produced water).
Identify unwanted right of way encroachments.
Areas of Application
Land movement analysis | Identify illegal hot tapping | Identify acid mine drainage | Chemical species measurement (land/water) | Bathymetry.
Monitor vegetation management programs.
Measure revegetation success (tree height / density / speciation) and water quality.
The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.
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Last Deployment Year