Reversed Engineering of Relief Valves

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Deployed by 1 company

Taking process safety to the next level

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Data, and therefore information, changes in time and context. Operating conditions, material properties and contaminants, equipment characteristics, and processing sequences all impact the validity of data for a specific use.

Of the hundreds or thousands relief valves used in process installations, the design criteria are sometimes unknown and more often, we don’t know if the original design specifications can still be used to comply with current laws and legislation, safety standards, etc.

Re-design and re-engineering of the relief valves significantly enhances the process safety!

Pros & Limitations
Reversed engineering by safety and engineering experts (2 companies)
Fast, minimum lead time
Flexible, up/down scaling of teams for projects of every size
Flexible, asset owner decides which installation first
Access to a lot of data necessary
Specification Title Specification Description
Areas of Application
Relief Valves | Rupture disks | Explosion Panels Gas, Liquid and 2-phase flow Dust explosion venting
Vent sizing
Certifications / licences
Calculations done per international standards such as Diers.
Required by European pressure equipment directive.
Define governing case for all relief systems.
DEKRA laboratories are capable of measuring the required chemical | Explosion properties


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Engineering firm Iv is one of the top 10 largest engineering companies in the Netherlands, with more than 1,000 specialists in employment. 

Iv devises solutions for challenging issues in the Industrial, Infrastructure & Traffic, Buildings & Installations, Handling, Maritime, Offshore & Energy and Water sectors. 

These include energy transition, sustainability and climate issues that are of great importance to our society. 

Iv's mission is to achieve the utmost in the world of technology with the in-house expertise available within the company. 

We can only achieve the best solutions to the most pressing and complex issues we face today by exploring the outer limits. Solutions that genuinely benefit society. Solutions that benefit society. For the changing climate, a future-proof society and a safe environment.

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