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Wall thickness measurements of corrosion under pipe supports

Page last modified
April 11 2024

The QSR1® semi‑automatically scans predefined sections of straight pipelines for corrosion under pipe supports (CUPS). 

The QSR1® can provide a quantitative measure of the average wall, as well as the remaining wall thickness down to half of the nominal wall thickness.

This instrument is suitable for motorised guided wave scanning on predefined sections of straight pipelines, with the added compatibility to operate with GUL’s cloud‑based platform.

Pros & Limitations
Automated scanning, on predetermined sections of straight pipelines
Intuitive software, user friendly and with fast processing for rapid data collection
Lightweight (approx. 9kg). Comes in a robust hard case
Battery operated, up to 12 hours
Extended frequency range with specially designed transducers to cover a wide range of frequency spectrums
Report generator. Automatically summarises into a PDF or Excel
Full technical support
Currently not ATEX certified (under development)
Specification Title Specification Description
Areas of Application
Currently QSR1® procedures are designed for scanning of simple supports.
Easily set-up for diameters between 6” and 24”. Automated configuration ensures performance independent of pipeline thickness variations.
Implementation time
Quick and easy setup. Obtain remaining wall thickness profile within minutes thanks to the fast data processing by WaveProQSR™.
In-service inspection possible
Measure remaining wall thickness at locations affected by CUPS while keeping the pipeline in service. Minimize risks by avoiding unnecessary lifting your pipeline, and still be able to make informed integrity decisions.
Indirectly scan a pipe section to evaluate the severity of CUPS – Corrosion Under Pipe Supports.
The QSR® system has been designed to operate under real field conditions. The equipment is rugged and requires minimum maintenance. Worldwide field tests have proven the equipment can cope with real site conditions.
QSR1® is an indirect quantitative scanning tool; the only system in the market that can provide a measurement to input in your asset integrity software.
Pipe diameters between 6” and 24”. Nominal thickness between 6mm and 13mm (¼” to ½”).
GUL provides full training and technical support on all its products. QSR® can be purchased with an option of data auditing through Trunk®, GUL’s cloud based system.
-20°C to +70°C (0 to 160°F).


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Guided Ultrasonics Ltd. (GUL) is the global leader in guided wave technology. Our products represent the most advanced guided wave testing (GWT) equipment to assess pipes, rails, and other structures from a single, remote and easily accessible location, without taking them out of service.

Our services include consultancy and onsite support by the world’s leading GWT experts, helping our clients to make GWT an efficient solution for their inspection projects.

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