Pipeline Right of Way Inspections and Methane Gas Leak Detection

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Aerial Drone Services

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Inspecting Pipeline Right of Ways and performing Leak Detection with a RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aviation System/ Drone) keeps your personnel safe from livestock, wildlife and dangerous to navigate terrain. Invasive Weed Introduction and Cross-Crop Contamination often experienced with "feet on the ground" is eliminated.

Pros & Limitations
Eliminating "feet on the ground" means Personnel Safety!
No areas go uninspected due to access issues.
Cross-Crop contamination and Noxious Weed introduction eliminated.
Perform ROW Inspections and leak detection in a fraction of the time.
Full video of the Pipeline Right of Way.
Geo-referenced data logging of any leaks, erosion, ground movement, intrusions, signage, or other potentially dangerous to pipeline events.
Can be weather dependent regarding excessive wind, rain and snow covered ground.
Depth of Cover at river crossings will have to be performed manually.
Pipeline will require accurate gps location file.
Specification Title Specification Description
Personnel not exposed to unpredictable Livestock, Domestic Animal/Pet or Wildlife encounters, Dangerous or Impassible terrain.
Regulatory Compliance
High Pressure Pipeline Right of Ways require patrolling annually.
Loss Prevention
Leak Detection from 1 ppm/m methane gas.
Environmentally Friendly
Carbon footprint on a RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aviation System / Drone) is smaller than conventional manned aircraft.
Flying lower and slower, complete with a full video enables a closer inspection, allowing detection of smaller anomalies, and more precise leak detection.
Two to Three times faster than patrols on foot.
Risk Mitigation
Identifying encroachments and erosion, surface disruptions, and soil/ground movement can ensure early detection of potential damage to the pipeline.


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Current Surveillance Inc./ CSI is an innovative team of service oriented personnel, using Drones or Remotely Piloted Aerial Vehicles (RPAV) and Ground Based Equipment in a safe secure manner providing loss control decision making data through specialised Sensors and Aerial Photogrammetry for all industries. We are a Drone observation inspection company providing critical information to our clients with Visual high definition, optical zoom cameras, Methane Detection devices and Thermographic Optical Gas Imaging IR cameras.

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