Photonics-based Sensing

1 Review
Deployed by 3 companies

Use light to measure a myriad of parameters

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Photonics-based sensing technology, an enabling technology for the acquisition, analysis, and implementation of large quantities of accurate and reliable data. Essential for optimization of your business. We facilitate data harvesting, bridging the gap between the physical world, and reliable data.

  • Accelerometer tunable by design to your specs
  • Optical torsion and trust sensor
  • Intelligent gasket to detect surface pressure within the flange
  • Hydraulic pressure sensor to measure liquid level of density in a 1% accuraccy

Next to these already tested ideas, we are open to develop with and for your challenge.

Pros & Limitations
Intrinsically safe
Immune to HV fields
No power on sensing location
Optics can withstand harsh conditions: liquids/moisture, extreme temperatures, high robustness
Immune to EM interference
Active equipment can be placed on large distance (km's)
Could be hard to implement in legacy technology systems
Interrogators can be expensive if measurements are limited in number
Specification Title Specification Description
Acceleration in 5 pm/g
0 - 1000 Hz
Density 1% accuracy.
-235 up to 400 degrees
0,001 degree
-1 t/m 100 MPA

Reviews (1)

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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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'Developing technology that gives you data'

We are a global operating developer of photonics-based sensing technology, an enabling technology for the acquisition, analysis, and implementation of large quantities of accurate and reliable data. Essential for optimization of your business. We facilitate data harvesting, bridging the gap between the physical world, and reliable data.

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