PanePowerSW Solar Glass

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Highly transparent (80%) solar glass panel that generates electricity from solar radiation optimized for use in greenhouses.

Page last modified
April 11 2024

The world population is estimated to reach 9.7 billion by 2050 according to forecasts from the United Nations. This will make the sustainable management of food, energy and water more critical than ever. Greenhouse farming can be a solution for the increasing food demands. However, greenhouse operation requires energy for heating, cooling, ventilation and pumping, which represent 25% to 28% of the total operating costs and has an adverse environmental impact.

PanePoweSW is an innovative solar glass technology, developed by Brite, that utilizes a combination of spectrum shifting nanomaterials with mono-crystalline silicon solar cells. Contrary to other PV solutions, PanePowerSW is an 80% transparent solar glass panel that generates clean energy, reduces energy costs, and, more importantly allows the light to pass through it without affecting photosynthesis, making it ideal for greenhouse applications.

Pros & Limitations
47,3MWh of electricity produced per year at 80% transparency for every 1000m2 deployed (average figures for Europe).
14 tonnes CO2 emissions reduction per year at 80% transparency for every 1000m2 deployed (average figures for Europe).
Less chemicals / pesticides used for plant cultivation depending on the crop.
4 - 5 years payback time for the user (depending on the installation location) for a 25 year product life time.
10k euro savings per year at 80% transparency for every 1000m2 deployed (average figures for Europe).
Dual use of land.
Reduced energy production compared to normal PV panels due to transparency.
Specification Title Specification Description
High Light Transmissivity | High Degree of Light Diffusion
Solar Cell Dimensions
166mm x 83mm, 80pcs
Area of Applications
Suitable for New or Retrofit Greenhouse Applications | Available in Custom Sizes
Operating Temperature
Max Static Load


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Greenhouses need a high percentage of the ambient light to reach the plants on the inside and as a result, any cladding used must be highly transparent. In addition, the ideal cladding will not change the spectral characteristics of the light. The price of a greenhouse Solar Panel must also be low enough to generate a positive ROI by offsetting purchased electricity. Brite Solar’s Solar Glass product has optimized full spectrum transparency, power production and cost to meet the needs of the commercial greenhouse application.

Brite has also developed variations on the Solar Glass technology. The first is a low cost, thermally insulating Electrochromic Glass called Dynamic Glass.

Brite is ramping production and building pilot greenhouses utilizing the Solar Glass in Europe and in the USA.

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