Licensed Assurance Provider

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Independent audit and verification of ESG disclosures, sustainability reports and public statements.

Page last modified
April 11 2024


Vysus is a fully licensed AA1000AS assurance provider for the verification of sustainability reports, disclosures and public statements.


  • The AA1000AS AccountAbility Assurance Standard is the leading methodology used by sustainability professionals worldwide for sustainability-related assurance engagements, to evaluate the nature and extent to which an organization adheres to the AccountAbility Principles.
  • AA1000AS can be used in conjunction with ISO 14064-3, ISAE 3410 for the verification of carbon accounting and GHG emissions reports. ISO 14064-3 and ISAE 3410 are widely-used standards for the verification of GHG emissions reports.
  • AA1000AS covers verification of Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG / C02 emissions.
  • Vysus is a fully licensed AA 1000 assurance provider for verification of sustainability reports, disclosures and public statements. License number 000-534.

The AccountAbility AA1000AS Assurance Principles are recognized by:

  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
  • Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
  • Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) public disclosure for investors
  • HM Govt / Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting framework (SECR) 


Our suite of specialist suite of ESG audit, verification and assurance services has been specifically designed to help reporting entities within the energy and related industrial sectors to:

  • Comply with regulator emissions reduction expectations;
  • Demonstrate sustainable ESG credentials to investors to ensure access to capital;
  • Demonstrate decarbonisation risk mitigation and management measures to insurers to access favorable premiums;
  • Justify environmental claims for products and services;
  • Meet expectations of joint venture partners and key stakeholders;
  • Conduct due diligence on commercial transactions and onboarding of contractors;
  • Manage supply chain;
  • Support risk based decision making, justification and management.

Cloud services and online management of the assurance function

Where clients require additional support to plan and execute the annual audit, assurance and verification programme, we can offer a secure cloud-based service which is designed in accordance with the ISO19011 international standard for managament system audits.

Through our partnership with Siccar, we can offer access via secure and reliable cloud services to:

  • Governance procedures;
  • Regulation, codes and standards;
  • KPIs and metrics;
  • Analytics and data visualisation;
  • Audit programmes, plans and schedules;
  • Reports and action tracking logs;
  • Supporting evidence and underlying data such as calibration certificates, uncertainty analysis, control measures, activity data, equations, conversion factors,  MOC authorisations, deferrals, technical reports, training and competency records, and;
  • Management review records and continual improvement programmes.


Intended users

This service is intended to be used by:

  • Developers and licence holders;
  • EPC / key contractors;
  • Specialist supply chain contractors;
  • Investor, shareholder and joint venture partners;
  • Insurance bodies;
  • Regulators, verification bodies and statutory auditors requiring specialist support.
Pros & Limitations
Independent verification enables businesses to identify, manage, and communicate financially material sustainability information to investors with confidence that data is accurate and free of material error
Independent verification by a licensed or accredited assurance provider provides confidence that assurance assignments are conducted to recognised industry standards by competent assessors
Independent verification by industry specialists ensures familiarity with processes, procedures and stakeholder expectations thereby enabling assignments to progress in a timely manner with minimum "discovery time" required to understand the business
Alignment of verification safety, reliability and asset integrity activities with sustainability reporting provides greater value for stakeholders by applying a more strategic approach to assurance
Our clients can benefit from a verification service that is built on decades of experience providing assurance services and advice to operators, governments and industry bodies around the world
As an organisation with a global footprint, we can offer our verification services to clients around the world from key locations in UK, Norway, Spain, USA, Middle East, Australia and Malaysia
The service is expected to support the energy transition as independent verification becomes increasingly important to support sustainability claims around CCUS, Hydrogen, LNG, trading and alternative carrier molecules
Our service is expected to support clients with the requirements of EU / UK ETS schemes and the forthcoming CBAM regulations to address carbon leakage from imported products
As a structured approach to the reporting of emissions and ESG metrics is likely to prohibit a successful verification requirement, we can support where gaps, omissions or errors are found to exist
Our Expertise
Expertise Title Expertise Description
Verification and assurance
Vysus Group is a leading engineering and technical consultancy offering specialist asset performance, risk management and project management expertise across complex industrial assets, energy assets (oil and gas, nuclear, renewables) and the energy transition.

Established in 2020 from the carve out of Lloyd's Register Energy business, Vysus can trace its roots back to the 1930s.

Vysus is a fully licensed AA1000AS assurance provider for the verification of sustainability reports, disclosures and public statements.
Specification Title Specification Description
Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR)
Supports quoted companies; large unquoted companies; limited liability partnerships with disclosure of emissions, carbon intensity and related information
Supports quantification, reporting and disclosure of emissions and carbon intensity.
OSPAR Recommendation 2003/5
Supports operators of offshore installations to produce a verifiable an annual public statement.
ISO 14064
Supports quantification, reporting and disclosure of ghg emissions and carbon intensity inherent in SECR, EU / UK ETS, CBAM and many other schemes
Supports publication of a verifiable public statement, disclosure or report.
Supports energy management in accordance with ISO 50001 specification
Supports reporting and disclosure of emissions, resource use, reserves and production data to investment community in accordance with SASB / IFRS requirements
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Supports firms subject to Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) reporting requirements (US) with mandatory reporting and disclosure.
S&P Dow Jones Indices Sustainability Index
Supports voluntary reporting and disclosure of financial and non-financial firms seeking investment via S&P Dow Jones Indices Sustainability Index.
Singapore Exchange
Supports mandatory reporting for listed financial and non-financial firms seeking investment via Singapore Exchange.
Australia Securities Exchange
Supports listed financial and non-financial firms with reporting in accordance with the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting specification
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
Supports large companies and companies listed on regulated markets with mandatory reporting
Supports developers with BAT justification, reporting and disclosure covering hydrocarbon operations, large combustion plant, large chemical production and waste management
Oil Spill Financial Responsibility and Assurance
Supports operators and license holders with the verification of financial calculations to respond to a worst case oil spill in accordance with NOPSEMA / APPEA specifications
Supports environmental budget reporting in accordance with NORSOK specification
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
Supports organisations importing products from outwith UK and EU to address CBAM requirements to reduce carbon leakage. (cement, iron and steel, glass, refining, non ferrous and non metallic minerals, fertiliser, paper and pulp)

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Vysus Group is an engineering and technical consultancy, offering specialist asset performance, risk management and project management expertise across complex industrial assets, energy assets (oil and gas, nuclear, renewables) and energy transition projects.

Driven by its purpose to help clients manage risk and maximise performance, Vysus Group blends deep technical knowledge and data-driven insights with hands-on expertise. Working on complex and large-scale energy projects around the world, Vysus Group is one of the leading engineering consultancy partners of choice.

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