Inline X: Revolutionary In-Situ Testing Technology

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Deployed by 6 companies

Transforming PSV Maintenance and Testing in the Energy Industry

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Inline X is an innovative in-situ testing solution that revolutionizes pressure safety valve (PSV) maintenance and testing. Our advanced technology eliminates the need for costly and time-consuming removal of PSVs, enabling efficient and accurate testing directly in the field. With real-time data insights and compliance with industry standards, Inline X ensures enhanced safety, reduced downtime, and improved operational efficiency. Experience the future of PSV testing with Inline X and unlock a new level of reliability and performance in your operations. Inline X offers a rental model with training of operators. 

Pros & Limitations
Enhanced Safety: Inline X ensures safer operations by providing accurate and reliable in-situ testing of pressure safety valves (PSVs).
Time and Cost Savings: With Inline X, in-situ testing eliminates the need for PSV removal and transportation to a workshop, saving valuable time and reducing associated costs.
Increased Efficiency: Inline X streamlines the testing process by enabling on-site testing, eliminating unnecessary delays and improving operational efficiency.
Enhanced Documentation: Inline X provides accurate and easily accessible test reports and records, simplifying documentation processes and supporting compliance audits
Automated Testing Procedures: Inline X employs automated testing procedures, ensuring consistent and repeatable testing processes. This automation reduces the risk of human error and enhances the reliability and accuracy of the test results.
Minimized Downtime: In-situ testing with Inline X reduces equipment downtime, as PSVs can be tested without disrupting operations or production.
Alignment with Industry Standards: Inline X operates in alignment with industry standards, including API 576 and 520 guidelines.
The Inline X test unit can be used in workshop to automize and digitalize workshop testing.
Limitation on Internal Visual Examination: InlineX's testing methodology does not include internal visual examination of the PSV. While the technology provides accurate and reliable testing results, it does not provide direct visual inspection of internal
Specification Title Specification Description
Pressure range
Up to 60 meter hoses to connect to valve
Atex and IECEX. Approved for use in Zone 1
Equipment Category
Temporary Equipment
Suitable for use on the following pressure safety valves
Conventional, Bellow, Pilot
Offshore, Onshore, In-situ, Workshop
Nitrogen, Instrument Air, Power


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Inline X is a leading technology company specializing in innovative solutions for the oil and gas industry. With a focus on in-situ testing, automatizationa and digitalization, we are dedicated to enhancing safety, optimizing operations, and driving efficiency. With a commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, Inline X is your trusted partner in achieving optimal performance and compliance in pressure safety valve maintenance.Inline X delivers their solution as a rental product with support, service and training. 

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