Industrial-grade Virtual Control System

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Deployed by 1 company

Create, program and manage in the cloud. Run at the Edge

Page last modified
May 30 2024

OTee offers an industrial-grade SaaS platform designed to digitally transform PLCs and industrial controllers. The platform facilitates efficient PLC coding and management (PLC Ops) with AI support features, and makes it possible to integrate third-party data sources into automation code. The platform's open runtime framework allows the creation and management of virtual control systems/PLCs, which can run on general purpose hardware, including x86 and ARM architectures.

As the platform is  a live service, it's features and specification are subject to change and improvement on a running basis.


Ongoing deployments
We are currently deploying our first operational plant in water and wastewater infrastructure. 


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Pros & Limitations
Deploy on any hardware
Open Source
Latency <3ms
Real-time, architecture agnostic
Validated latency < 0.01ms*
Specification Title Specification Description
Programming language
IEC 61131-3 compliant languages (Structured Text foundation)
Real-time performance
<0.01 ms cycle times
Runs on x86/ARM, 32/64 bit CPUs
Compatible with industrial protocols like Ethernet/IP, Profinet, Modbus, EtherCAT
Programming tools
Web-based PLC editor for programming, simulation, testing
Cloud or edge runtimes
Centralized pub-sub data architecture, with OPC UA and MQTT features
Digital twin, online programming, AI assistance


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Technology Readiness Level

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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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OTee is a leading European DeepTech startup recently recognized as one of the top 20 Industry 4.0 startups globally by StartUs Insight. Founded by seasoned industrial automation (OT) professionals with decades of experience, OTee is dedicated to addressing the pervasive control system vendor lock-in issue across industries.

OTee offers an industrial-grade SaaS platform designed to digitally transform PLCs and industrial controllers. The platform facilitates efficient PLC coding and management (PLC Ops), and makes it possible to integrate third-party data sources into automation code. The platform's open runtime framework allows the creation and management of virtual control systems/PLCs, which can run on general purpose hardware, including x86 and ARM architectures.

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