inDepth eDNA Sampler

0 Reviews
Deployed by 3 companies

Ecological assessment with molecular accuracy

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Often referred to as an environmental DNA (eDNA) survey, we provide your field teams with sample collection kits and analysis for targeted detection of species eDNA from environmental samples. We have developed large-volume sampling methods to maximize the probability of eDNA capture and detection. Our sampling kits provide everything you need to collect consistent eDNA samples, quickly and easily. In many cases you can instruct us to undertake multiple assays on the same sample for detection of a number of species, improving your efficiency by reducing field time and sampling costs.

Environmental DNA assessments create big-data opportunities. Achieve net positive biodiversity for your projects using insights made possible by eDNA monitoring.

Pros & Limitations
Discover and manage protected species
Early detection of non-native species
Highly sensitive eDNA techniques are an essential part of your biosecurity surveillance toolkit
We integrate metadata from your eDNA surveys to provide responsive and meaningful insights for your project environmental planning and monitoring
Each of our eDNA sampling kits provides everything you need for convenient and consistent sample collection, to maximise the probability of detection and ensure meaningful results
Identification of sensitive ecological receptors
Characterisation of indicator taxa in the presence of environmental pressures
Modelling of ecological effect zones for impact assessment
Achieve net positive biodiversity for your projects using insights made possible by eDNA monitoring
Environmental DNA techniques cannot reliably determine population abundance, sizes, life stages or sex ratios, at this time; however, our analyses do offer insights into the sampled population genetic diversity of detected organisms
Specification Title Specification Description
Areas of Application
Ports & Maritime | Fisheries | Aquaculture | Deep-sea Mining | Oil & Gas
Scored 10/10 in 2020 and 2021 FAPAS eDNA Proficiency Testing Scheme
There are no regulatory compliance requirements at this time; however, our technology may be used to provide evidence of statutory monitoring requirements.
Comprehensive characterisation of sampled biological communities - i.e. true biodiversity analysis.
This technology may be used to support environmental monitoring and permitting.
Data Analysis
Our eDNA analyses may be integrated with biogeochemical sample data, delivering deeper due diligence and more meaningful risk intelligence for your environmental surveys.
Analytical techniques ensure repeatability and cross-comparability of survey results.
Sampling is easily undertaken by client’s existing field teams. Sampling equipment and instruction is provided as part of the service.
Improved data capture with reduced field sampling effort.
Water depth
Water sampling validated to 200 metres; sediment sampling validated to >2,000 metres.


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Applied Genomics Ltd. (AGL) were established in 2014 by industry professional scientists and experts in molecular ecology who recognised the need for improved biomonitoring could be met by applying genomics technologies to efficiently and comprehensively characterise biological communities.

We provide environmental DNA-based sampling equipment and analysis services for the quantification of biodiversity in terrestrial, aquatic and marine environments. We deliver simple, practical and impactful tools that can help businesses to identify their impacts and dependencies on biodiversity, to quantify nature-related risks and opportunities, and to support business to make better informed, data-driven decisions for efficient and cost-effective management of their environmental pressures.

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