Independent Drilling Optimisation

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Independent drilling optimisation using data based analysis not guesswork

Page last modified
June 28 2024
Formed in 2006, and with over a million feet of optimised drilling delivered, Aurora drive efficiency like no other independent drilling specialist. 
Aurora is a drilling optimisation specialist and a software provider for oil and gas operators. With our proprietary software, we provide detailed drilling system analysis that has increased ROP by up to 80% and reduced cost per foot drilled by over 40%. This provides a major step to our clients, in their goal of delivering their projects on-time and on-budget.
We have successfully completed over 90 gas, geothermal and oil drilling projects to drive optimal drilling performance. We draw our expertise from a deep understanding of well optimisation, bit efficiency and drilling performance. 
Because we are truly independent, our recommendations are client-focused, designed to provide the best drilling outcomes and significant time and cost savings.
Our software and systems support you and your drilling team throughout your projects. We run our proprietary indexing models to provide detailed drilling system analysis, efficiency and performance. You and your drilling team could benefit from our proprietary software tools - AWOS, BE3, and C3 - for well optimisation analysis, drill bit durability and efficiency.


Drilling System Efficiency Analysis
We know the value of live data for making critical decisions during drilling operations. That’s why we developed the Aurora Well Optimisation System (AWOS), our in-house proprietary software.

AWOS provides detailed drilling system efficiency analysis during pre-project, realtime drilling operations and post-project analysis.
AWOS eliminates all guesswork and hence leads to on time and on budget projects.


AWOS Case Study


Cutting Structure Durability Indexing - C3
Our C3 software provides the necessary cutting structure requirements for PDC and impregnated drill bits by analysing previously used products. If wear is solely based on diamond volume consumption, all PDC cutters will develop the same wear flat. Therefore, selecting the correct cutter size for each application is crucial. C3 allows Aurora to do this for every application, which is particularly important in cases where thermal degradation and abrasive wear have been observed or are anticipated.


C3 Case Study


Cutting Structure Efficiency Indexing - BE3
The BE3 efficiency index values are determined using a standardised process that compares the numerical value of the design features used in PDC drill bit design. This process enables us to produce results that identify the efficiency of a recommended product compared to the most efficient product currently available in our dataset at the pre-project stage of your well or project.
BE3 is particularly important when drilling in areas that are free from silica-cemented sandstone and chert-bearing carbonates. Secondly, BE3 is also particularly important when drilling in areas where the efficient delivery of optimum horsepower to the bit, is going to be a problem. 

BE3 – Case Study


Pros & Limitations
On time and on budget project delivery
Proven return on investment
Truly independent optimisation
Our Expertise
Expertise Title Expertise Description
Delivery of a high quality drilling optimisation service
Design and application of all types of drilling systems at the pre-well, operational or post well phase
Complete BHA design & analysis service
Pre-drilling phase, during the drilling phase and in the post well phase of vertical, deviated, ERD and horizontal wells
Real time monitoring
We provide a software based system that is run as a real time operational support package during drilling operations. Its algorithms provide a real time insight into the drilling efficiency & hole condition being delivered by the chosen drilling system
Detailed analysis of geology
Rock composition studies combined with rock strength analysis to provide accurate overview of what needs to be drilled
One stop link service
Delivers a one stop link between you, the operator, and all of the drill bit manufacturers, down hole tool suppliers and all of the directional drilling providers
Specification Title Specification Description
Our independence allows us to work with all service providers. Being independent allows us to assist in the development of new/revised drilling system components tailored to your specific application.
Knowledge bank
We have our own "Magister" knowledge bank, which allows us the advantage of tracking formation, rig, drill bit and BHA across the world thus giving us a wide screen approach, versus the often blinkered approach adopted by large service providers at a local level.

>9000 wells

With over 39,000 related well documents including:

>2000 geology data points
>1000 DD data points
>5000 BHA data points
>3000 bit records
>5000 bit spec sheets with all fixed cutter bit C3 and BE3 values calculated
BHA Analysis
We deliver complete and independent BHA management services - including BHA analysis, BHA geometry optimisation, T&D analysis, Drill string dynamics analysis and post well BHA analysis.


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Aurora was founded in 2006 by Nick Biggs and Harrie Oort. They both bring over 40 years of experience in drilling operations and have worked globally. If you are looking for straight-talking drilling optimisation experts, you’ll want to meet us.

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