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Remote well monitoring made easy by satellites

Page last modified
April 11 2024

HiberHilo is a remote well monitoring solution for the Oil & Gas industry. We make manual well monitoring a thing of the past. Install the sensors yourself, connect to the satellite, and you’ll get welldata in minutes. The HiberHilo solution includes digital sensors that give you regular, reliable data from any well, anywhere.

What sets HiberHilo apart:

  • The solution works anywhere, no matter how remote the well
  • HiberHilo is offered as a flexible “Well Monitoring-as-a-Service” package
  • Connect a well within minutes: No wiring, completely battery- and solar-powered
  • Affordable, no surprises: HiberHilo comes with a performance guarantee

Want to know more?

Pros & Limitations
More visibility - The remote monitoring solution gives you regular, reliable data, 24/7, even when you’re not on-site.
Better safety - Remote monitoring technology means your engineers can stay home when the weather gets rough.
Lower costs - Visiting remote wells for manual monitoring costs up to $10,000 per trip. HiberHilo costs a fraction of that.
More reliable data - Well pressure and temperature data is collected at regular intervals by top-notch sensors.
Increase production - Keep your oil fields running smoothly with better data.
Easy to install - The sensor plugs directly into the Christmas tree. No special equipment needed.
You can measure a single pressure and a single temperature per sensor.
Specification Title Specification Description
Easy to Install
Shell, our biggest clients, takes about 4 hours to hook up an entire offshore platform to HiberHilo.
Long battery life
We optimised the sensor usage so you don’t have to worry about the batteries draining.
With IP67 waterproofing and some serious temperature testing, it’s built to handle anything. From jungle to desert, onshore and offshore.
The HiberHilo gateway is zone ATEX 2 certified, and the sensors are certified for zone 0 and 1.
Real Time Data
Data from your wells every 15 min.
Using Inmarsat’s satellite network to connect wells anywhere on earth.
Sensors out of the box
We provide pressure and temperature sensors out of the box, integrated standard into HiberHilo.
Connect any sensor
Need flow or vibration as well? No problem, we can hook up to external sensors to get you more data than just pressure and temperature.


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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HiberHilo makes it easy to bring new technologies to oil and gas production. How? With a unique three-pronged strategy. HiberHilo has everything you need to get started with remote monitoring and management, right out of the box. Hardware, software, and satellite connectivity, wrapped up into one easy-to-install and use solution.

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