ES stemless valve

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Eliminates emissions through stemless valve design

Page last modified
July 9 2024

The ES stemless valve (ES) from Oxford Flow is an innovative axial flow valve that eliminates fugitive emissions by removing the stem and need for stem packing, which are the primary sources of leaks in traditional valves. 

Because the ES stemless valves do not have an external stem, there is no possibility of fugitive emissions through stem packing leaks. Further, because it does not have a mechanical drive train, it is not subject to stresses and side loading that cause poor performance and premature mechanical failure in other valve types.

ES utilises an electrohydraulic actuator that is compact and efficient to transmit force, requiring a power source and a 4 – 20mA control signal. This significantly reduces the size and weight of the overall valve package compared to conventional valve actuators. ES has a range of trims as well as hard and soft seated options for both control and isolation, and is available in sizes 2” to 24"+ and pressure classes up to ANSI 2500. 

The ES valve is designed to provide very high flow rates while minimising turbulence, erosion and wear on sealing surfaces. This enables reliable tight shutoff performance during operating cycles. It can be configured in a wide range of materials with flanged end connections for a wide range of service applications including oil & gas, petrochemical, hydrogen and more. 

With its innovative stemless design and electrohydraulic actuation, the ES valve achieves world-class performance, reliability and true zero-emission control and isolation. 

Pros & Limitations
Eliminates stem emissions, reducing OPEX related to valve packing
Withstands high velocities with no cavitation while maintaining tight shutoff
Does not require stem packing and maintenance to meet emissions requirements
Specification Title Specification Description
Size range
2" to 24"+ (DN50 to DN600+)
Pressure classes
Up to ASME 2500
Various cast or forged materials
Eliminates stem emissions, Withstands high velocities with no cavitation, Reduces valve size and weight by 50%
Oil and gas, Petrochemical, Hydrogen, Biomethane, CO2


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Oxford Flow is a company that develops and manufactures innovative valves and regulators. Key facts:

- Founded in 2015 as a spin-out from the University of Oxford.

- Originated from research at Oxford's Thermofluids Institute to develop a new pressure regulator.

- Now offers a range of products including valves, regulators, and pilot valves for industries like oil & gas, power generation, H2 and CO2.

- Flagship product is the ES stemless valve, an axial flow valve designed to eliminate fugitive emissions.

- Awarded for innovation - ES valve received an award from ASME and a commendation from ADNOC.

- Emphasizes safety, performance, and emissions reduction in its valve designs.

- Based in Oxford, UK with international offices. Spun out from academic research but now a commercial provider of valve solutions.

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