Drawing & Data Management System

0 Reviews
Deployed by 8 companies

The most up-to-date asset information is easily accessible

Page last modified
April 11 2024

RedEyeDMS is a cloud-based engineering drawing and data management software-as-a-service that improves productivity and safety by ensuring the most up-to-date asset information is easily accessible from the field and in the office.

Pros & Limitations
Clean-up, maintain control and easily access the right engineering data
Easily access engineering data in the field using mobile applications
Control paper copies with QR codes
Comprehensive mark-up tools
Virtualized folders based on metadata
Supports drawings, documents, 3D models & media
Control user access via project groups
Workflows as per your business process
An establishment project is required configure the environment (based on the customer business process)
Integration isn’t plug and play (requires middleware)
Specification Title Specification Description
Quickly and confidently access version-controlled engineering drawings & data.
Ensure the most up-to-date asset information is easily accessible from the field and in the office.
Cloud platform
Cloud-based engineering drawing and data management software-as-a-service that has the ability to de-duplicate and fold in technical reference material.
Search, edit, mark-up, and share any type of engineering data with internal staff and contractors, on any smart device, anywhere in the world.


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Inefficient engineering data management is a global problem that many industries experience, particularly in relation to complex asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M). Relying on poor engineering data management systems can lead to serious safety incidents, unnecessary downtime, increased operational costs, inefficient handovers, and reduced profit. Purpose-built for O&M, RedEye ensures seamless asset operations and maintenance across all areas of an organisation in a user-friendly software-as-a-service platform.

RedEye Apps develops digital engineering and SaaS solutions with organisations around the world that own and operate complex assets and critical infrastructure.

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