Compact Flotation Unit (CFU)

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Removes oil and gas from produced water

Page last modified
June 21 2024

The Stauper Compact Flotation Unit (CFU) is a skid-mounted produced water treatment system designed to efficiently remove oil and gas from produced water. It utilizes Stauper's patented coalescence separation chamber (SCC) which creates a unique water flow pattern to ensure robust, stable separation of oil and gas from water. The SCC contains no moving parts or small-bore openings, making it maintenance-free. 

The CFU embodies Stauper's design of housing two or more complete cleaning stages within a single vessel, allowing it to directly tie into the separator as the sole produced water treatment required. Its small footprint and lightweight nature provide space and weight savings. The technology is stable and proven, capable of removing over 99% of oil in water with performance down to 0ppm discharge. It also captures solid particles. With less connections and instrumentation than traditional systems, the CFU delivers significant capital and operational cost reductions. Its simple retrofit enables brownfield upgrading and debottlenecking.

Pros & Limitations
Stable, highly efficient, proven to remove over 99% oil in water
Small footprint & several complete cleaning stages in one vessel
Capture solid particles-
No moving parts, no small-bore openings, maintenance free
Significant savings in weight and footprint
Less connections and instrumentation
Specification Title Specification Description
Single or multiple cleaning stages in one vessel
Small footprint
No moving parts, maintenance free
Significant weight savings
Less connections and instrumentation
Removes up to 99.5% of oil in water
Discharge down towards 0ppm
Solids Capture
Captures solid particles
Flow Pattern
Unique water flow pattern for efficient separation


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Stauper Water Technologies, located in Porsgrunn, Norway, has developed and patented a range of innovative water treatment technologies and solutions for the oil and gas industry. The company provides compact, lightweight skids that integrate seamlessly into existing systems to efficiently remove oil and gas from produced water. Stauper also offers retrofit solutions to upgrade underperforming separation vessels by installing their patented Stauper Coalescence Chamber to improve oil/water separation, enhance degassing, and increase flow capacity. With their proprietary technologies, Stauper enables operators to reduce chemical use, improve environmental sustainability, debottleneck systems, extend equipment lifespan, and cut operational costs.

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