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Revolutionalize warehouse automation

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Warehouses are complex operations, managing various processes and tasks for inventory management, material handling, and goods distribution. Today, the market dynamics are changing more than ever and dictate an entirely new level of efficient and reliable operations.

NextFirst creates cohesive warehouse automation systems to address the most demanding supply chain and distribution channels. Our warehouse automation solutions handle your needs for speed, flexibility and efficiency while reducing costs. Our solution takes care of a high number of SKUs, hard-to-predict SKU demand, lean stocking strategy, demand for quick order turnaround, and  variety in orders and sizes.

We make this possible by thoroughly studying your warehouse landscape and combining it with our material kinetics expertise, linear motor design, and a host of application-specific shuttles. In this way, we build next-generation solutions tailored to address your specific challenges.

We also offer advanced engineering services to solution providers and component suppliers to facilitate clean-sheet designs based around problem statements.

Pros & Limitations
Increase top line revenue by boosting production rates and increasing yields
Decrease costs by driving savings in labor, space, and energy consumption
Streamline process flows for greater efficiency
Fulfill high demand with ease
Provide scalable solutions that cater to complexities, such as storage density and product variety
Accelerate time-to-market
The solution is not suitable for pallet-based systems. We provide material handling automation for the item, tote and case-based systems.
Specification Title Specification Description
Upgrading to an automated fulfillment system will significantly improve accuracy, efficiency, productivity, and distribution speed.
Helps achieve order fulfillment along with reduced labor costs, optimized pick strategy, improved order accuracy and increased order volume.
We help build customized solutions for your specific use cases.
We ensure our solutions will integrate with your existing operations.
Can handle demand surges while optimizing space and productivity, enabling high picking speeds, reducing shipping costs, and eliminating human error.
Cross Docking
Our automated cross-docking sortation solution boosts receiving and sorting processes and is also suitable for zero-inventory distribution centers.
Our solution will reduce operating costs, increase production rates, and streamline the entire distribution process.
Our industrial robots are skilled in material handling, reducing error margins to negligible levels, and efficiently maneuvering raw materials, sub-assemblies, completed assemblies, or packaged products.


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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NextFirst is a well-established material kinetics specialist and a pioneer in the next generation of industrial automation. Be it designing, building, and supporting production assemblies or helping warehouses address diverse and demanding supply chains, we are equipped to provide you with the required automation solution.

Our holistic approach, best-in-class procedures, and proven expertise ensure that we deliver the results that matter to you. We bring value by developing sustainable, scalable technologies to fulfill your unique needs.

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