Canopy by Jungle

0 Reviews
10 Deploys

The AI technology that helps you improve machinery performance

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Canopy’s AI (Artificial intelligence) uses historical data to learn how your machines function under all operating conditions. We are deployed in various industries, helping to detect failures ahead of time, reduce machine downtime and increase performance.

Pros & Limitations
Contextual Alarms are Meaningful Alarms
Remote deployment
Investigations to the sensor level
Fully Unsupervised Learning
A Powerful AI trained on your data
Only works on sensorized machines
Specification Title Specification Description
Areas of application
Renewable industry (wind & solar), process industry, heavy industry, transportation (shipping), chemicals, manufacturing, packaging
Industry agnostic
Canopy is built on top of very advanced AI models that are agnostic to the application
Our models are trained, validated and deployed in 3 weeks, providing value from the start
Depending on your need, we can run Canopy on your servers or in a cloud environment
Performance optimization
Canopy has been designed to help you use your data to drive the performance of your machines to the next level
Investigate to the sensor level


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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We have a vision to enable the world to conquer operational complexity and make it manageable for people. We are on a mission to develop the world’s most effective tools to resolve machine underperformance

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