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Deployed by 4 companies

The Future in Visual Decision Making

Page last modified
April 11 2024

CADwalk is a patented visualisation technology that allows users to view CAD drawings in 1:1 scale and make real time interactions to optimise the design.

CADwalk has proven to help teams designing high value spaces to develop the optimal design 80% faster and 50% cheaper than traditional methods.

CADwalk successfully engages all stakeholders from management to operational staff into the design process, delivering 100% confidence in the final design from the whole team.

For Europe, CADwalk workshops are available at their visualisation studio in Munich, Germany.

Pros & Limitations
Accelerate the design process for high value spaces from 3-6 months using traditional methods into 1-3 days using CADwalk
Enhance visual understanding by walking through CAD drawings in any size scale including full 1:1 scale
Engage all project stakeholders into the design process to ensure all critical information has been included in the plan
Make real time changes to optimise the design and test ideas out instantly, no need to go back to the CAD designer
Get it right the first time and mitigate change requests
Instantly switch between different layout options
Instant output to VR headset
The team must be physically together
Specification Title Specification Description
Areas of Application
High value space design: control rooms, medical facilities, manufacturing warehouses, retail stores, public transport, home planning etc.
CAD & BIM activities
CADwalk can control the visible layers, allowing teams to see hidden infrastructure such as wiring.
CADwalk can instantly push out to a VR headset. All CADwalk facilities are fitted with HTC Vive Pros. CADwalk also has a VR content creation team.
CADwalk can visualize any modern 3D file formats such as .dwg, .obj, .max etc. We have draftsmen who can create custom drawings and make detailed alterations.
CADwalk can scale CAD plans to fit the projection space or pan through a CAD plan in 1:1 scale.
Munich (Germany), Frankfurt (Germany), Oxford (UK), Perth (Western Australia), Adelaide (South Australia), Melbourne (SE Australia).
Global patents are in place, but we are open to partnerships and license agreements.
CADwalk provides visualisation services to meet businesses design challenges including visual fly throughs in 1:1 scale, collaborative design workshops, design advisory and virtual reality (VR) content creation.
CADwalk workshops can be facilitated by subject matter experts such as spatial planners or ergonomics specialists etc.


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Founder of CADwalk Global, Gerhard Kimenkowski, has specialised in the design of high-value technical rooms for over 25 years for clients within the oil and gas, mining, transport, public safety, utility and government sectors. ​

In 2016, CADwalk Global was launched in Western Australia to accelerate the design process of high value spaces and enable clients to experience a design before it was built. In 2018, CADwalk Europe opened in Munich, Germany.

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