Biovision - Biofouling Monitoring

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Real time biofouling monitor system

Page last modified
April 11 2024

The Biovision Monitor provides operators with a clear understanding of the levels of biofouling growth, to monitor in real-time the effectiveness of your biofouling treatment. If your current treatment is not effective, it will immediately reveal the presence of biofouling organisms.

The Biovision Monitor can be installed at critical spots in the service water system, e.g. in front of the heat exchangers. The monitor is designed to create a range of water flows and turbulences along the fouling coupons which cover the flow range and turbulences normally occur within a water system. 

The Biovision Monitor detects a broad range of species (for example mussels, oysters, barnacles and hydroids) and provides the operator an early warning system to identify any risk of biofouling settlement. Detect new invasive species, and minimize the risk of operation shutdown.

Pros & Limitations
Direct, real-time insight in the buildup of biofouling and/or in the efficiency of the anti-fouling dosing regime
Designed to mimic real conditions of the service water system (velocities, turbulences)
Detects a broad range of species, e.g. mussels, oysters, barnacles, hydroids and tubular worms
No power supply required
Easy to install and operate
Requires personnel for visual inspection
Specification Title Specification Description
Areas of Application
Sea water | Brackish water | Fresh water
Operating conditions
Can be installed at a critical spot in the service water system, e.g. in front of the heat exchangers.
Provides the operator an early warning system to identify any risk of biofouling settlement.
The monitor is connected at a critical spot | Plates of different materials are selected to represent actual flow | These plates are periodically and visually inspected


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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H2O Biofouling Solutions B.V. provides proven techniques based on a combination of innovative technologies with a scientifically proven background and practical experience. Providing you with effective biofouling control procedures resulting in economic and environmental benefits.

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