Bespoke Sand & Erosion-Corrosion Monitoring Systems

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Deployed by 1 company

Bespoke applications for remote locations

Page last modified
September 20 2024

We recognize that every aspect of your business operation is unique, with its own set of operating requirements. 

Whether it's adapting processes, integrating specialised methods, or seamlessly incorporating our services with your existing systems, we have the expertise to bring your vision to life. 

We are proud to present bespoke systems which allow you to perform real-time monitoring even when electrical power is either limited or altogether absent. 

This innovative approach enables you to maintain visibility of your sand production and well erosion-corrosion in the most challenging locations

Pros & Limitations
Minimise Carbon Footprint
Solar Powered - commission in remote site with no power supply
Reduced manpower - automated systems - no Manpower requirement
Safety - - real-time surveillance for LOPC prevention, even in remote or unmanned areas.
Requires trained SMS personnel to design and commission on site.
Specification Title Specification Description
Solar Powered
Autonomous power source
Integrated cellular data transmission
SMS TCP/IP t serial Modbus Read/Write Software - can write data direct into client DCS.
Intrinsically Safe
Can be configured for Zone 0 installation


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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SMS has proven a strong reputation for offering effective management and risk-mitigation strategies for its clients' operational and environmental risks. We provide Sand Management and Erosion-Corrosion products and services including: Acoustic Sand Monitoring, Sand Sampling, Erosion & Corrosion Probes, Real-Time UT Wall Thickness Systems, and Real-Time H2S & CO2 Monitoring Systems. 

Our team is fuelled to drive clients’ operational efficiency by offering a full spectrum of low carbon solutions and utilisation of our zero manpower capabilities that are proven to minimise carbon footprint and can help accelerate your path to net zero.

We have rapidly grown over the years and evolved with ground-breaking technologies and partnerships with several clients and industry players to drive your transition to a safer, more robust, resilient, cost-effective and sustainable asset life cycle.

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