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The hydrogen battery that can store power and produce hydrogen at highly efficient rates

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Battolyser Systems develops and manufactures an integrated battery/electrolyser product, the Battolyser® that can store electricity and produce hydrogen from renewable power to balance societal demand.

A Battolyser® offers a dual-purpose energy storage solution with a combined battery and electrolyser function that unlocks a complete new business model. This enables the use of only low-cost electricity or electricity from renewables; while in hours with high electricity price hours, no hydrogen is produced but rather the battery is discharged selling electrons. This allows for the production of hydrogen that is both affordable and truly "green". 

It is a new product category with breakthrough flexibility, robustness, efficiency using only abundant materials and easy to recycle.

You can learn more about the Battolyser by clicking here.

Pros & Limitations
Flexibility - Battolyser® can instantly switch back and forth between charging and discharging and can perfectly follow a renewables load curve
Efficient - Stack is 80-90% energy efficient
Sustainable - Technology is using only abundant available materials
Robust - Battery allows deep discharging and no risk of overcharging. The "overcharge" is what causes electrolysis
Versatile - System can arbitrage between power and hydrogen markets
Footprint - Due to the combined battery / electrolyser functionality, a Battolyser® has a larger footprint than a single electrolyser or battery system
Specification Title Specification Description
Currently modular design of 1 MWh/MW units, from 2025 onwards 10+MWh/MW units
Current stack efficiency of 49kWh/kg, from 2025 onwards 45kWh/kg
Operating Pressure of 30 barg
Current charge/discharge: 1C/1/4C. From 2024 onwards charge/discharge: 1C/1C
Operating range


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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The Company was founded in 2018 by Delft University of Technology, Proton Ventures and Prof. Dr. Fokko Mulder. Recently Koolen Industries invested the growth capital to commercialise the technology to scale. Battolyser Systems aims to stimulate the development, production and commercialisation of the Battolyser® technology and is looking for skilled and highly motivated people to join the team.

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